A master carpenter who worked for the same builder for nearly 50 years announced he wanted to retire. The builder told him how much he appreciated his work. He gave the carpenter a $5,000 bonus and asked him if he would build just one more house. The builder owned a magnificent lot with a spectacular view, and he wanted to build a dream home.
The carpenter was bitterly disappointed at the small bonus, but his last building fee would help him buy a small cottage, so he agreed to build the dream house.
The carpenter prided himself on his uncompromising commitment to quality, but his resentment caused him to cut corners, ignore details, and accept shoddy workmanship from other workers. He even looked the other way when some of them substituted cheaper materials and pocketed the difference.
When the house was finished, the builder shook the carpenter’s hand, and with a huge smile gave him an envelope with a thank-you card and a folded piece of paper. The carpenter was disdainful – until he unfolded the paper and found the deed to the house he had just built.
The carpenter was ashamed that he had misjudged his old friend and betrayed his own values, and he was remorseful that the house he would live in for the rest of his life was made so carelessly.
Our character is the house we live in and it’s built piece by piece by our daily choices. Deceit, irresponsibility, and disrespect are just like shoddy workmanship. Whenever we put in less than our best and ignore our potential for excellence, we create a future full of creaky floors, leaky roofs, and crumbling foundations.
from http://www.chractercounts.org/
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
~Featured Missionary and Country of the Week - Dan/Debbie Barkley
Dan and Debbie Barkley
Region(s): South America
Field(s): Chile
Poster: download PDF
Website: click here to visit
Bio: Dan and Debbie Barkley have always loved the work of God. He was a member of the International Youth Corps in 1973 and 1974. After pastoring for several years in southern Indiana, the Barkleys returned to Richmond, Indiana, to work with Endtime Ministries (EM) and traveled extensively in the U.S. teaching prophecy. He designed and laidout the ministry’s internationally known Endtime magazine. His greatest achievement while at EM was the website, possibly one of the most visited sites of its kind in the world, receiving as many as two million hits per day. She served as tour coordinator and head of bookkeeping at EM and handled the accounting for the Richmond church. The Barkleys labored in Argentina as associates in missions before being appointed as missionaries to Chile in March 2004. He serves as an advisor to the national board and is active in leadership development and in seminars throughout Chile.
Republic of Chile/República de Chile
Area Coordinator: Joseph A. Bir
Superintendent/President: Juan Rios Caballero
Population: 16,400,000
Area: 292,135 sq. mi.
Capital: Santiago
Languages: Spanish
Religions: Roman Catholic, 89%; Protestant, 11%
Chile, a narrow land some 100 to 250 miles wide, occupies 2,650 miles of South America’s Pacific coast. Chile’s length almost equals the width of the United States. Northern Chile contains the Atacama Desert. Central Chile has agricultural land. Southern Chile has forests and grazing land. The Andes, which include some of the world’s highest peaks, form Chile’s eastern boundary. The James Dotsons planted the UPC in Chile in 1964. The church has 2,650 constituents, 56 ministers, and 36 churches and preaching points. The United Pentecostal Church of Chile is under the leadership of a national president along with the national board. These officials are freely elected by the ministerial body. A new Bible school endeavor has opened the possibilities for future development throughout the country with 10 extensions. The Bible school is under the direction of Pablo and Rosario Rios.
Dan and Debbie Barkley
Region(s): South America
Field(s): Chile
Poster: download PDF
Website: click here to visit
Bio: Dan and Debbie Barkley have always loved the work of God. He was a member of the International Youth Corps in 1973 and 1974. After pastoring for several years in southern Indiana, the Barkleys returned to Richmond, Indiana, to work with Endtime Ministries (EM) and traveled extensively in the U.S. teaching prophecy. He designed and laidout the ministry’s internationally known Endtime magazine. His greatest achievement while at EM was the website, possibly one of the most visited sites of its kind in the world, receiving as many as two million hits per day. She served as tour coordinator and head of bookkeeping at EM and handled the accounting for the Richmond church. The Barkleys labored in Argentina as associates in missions before being appointed as missionaries to Chile in March 2004. He serves as an advisor to the national board and is active in leadership development and in seminars throughout Chile.
Republic of Chile/República de Chile
Area Coordinator: Joseph A. Bir
Superintendent/President: Juan Rios Caballero
Population: 16,400,000
Area: 292,135 sq. mi.
Capital: Santiago
Languages: Spanish
Religions: Roman Catholic, 89%; Protestant, 11%
Chile, a narrow land some 100 to 250 miles wide, occupies 2,650 miles of South America’s Pacific coast. Chile’s length almost equals the width of the United States. Northern Chile contains the Atacama Desert. Central Chile has agricultural land. Southern Chile has forests and grazing land. The Andes, which include some of the world’s highest peaks, form Chile’s eastern boundary. The James Dotsons planted the UPC in Chile in 1964. The church has 2,650 constituents, 56 ministers, and 36 churches and preaching points. The United Pentecostal Church of Chile is under the leadership of a national president along with the national board. These officials are freely elected by the ministerial body. A new Bible school endeavor has opened the possibilities for future development throughout the country with 10 extensions. The Bible school is under the direction of Pablo and Rosario Rios.
Friday, February 25, 2011
~Finland On Fire - Finland's Intercessor Team - Feb. 25th, 2011
Finland's Intercessor Team
Prayer Focus
The Mark Alphin Family-UPCI Missionaries, FINLAND
God is on the Move!
It has been some time since we have sent a prayer update. However, we knew that many were already praying about our residence situation, so we decided to wait until we had something new upon which to focus unified prayer.
Since our arrival in Helsinki, we have felt the hand of God orchestrating every situation in our lives. While not all has happened as we would have preferred, we can look back and see God's wisdom and leading in each circumstance. We have made friends in such unusual ways that it could only be of God!
Juhani had begun seeking the Lord on his own. Through personal study - and the assistance of an Apostolic in a Internet chat room - he received a revelation of baptism according to Acts 2:38. Never underestimate the power of your words! Bro. Smith of North Carolina spoke "life" and planted seed in Juhani's mind and spirit that was cultivated by God. On February 19, 2011, Mark had the privilege of baptizing Juhani in the precious name of Jesus Christ, and we look forward to the day when he will receive the precious gift of God's Holy Spirit!
Juhani is the first Finn to be baptized under our ministry, and that will always be a special memory for us. The circumstances surrounding his conversion confirm that we are working in tandem with God to see His vision for Finland come to pass. God is speaking to us daily during prayer and letting us know that He is in control. Continue to pray - God has said that a "breaking in the Spirit" will happen soon, that something great will arise within this country.
We are thankful for your prevailing prayers - they are working!
Our Testimonies
We have often sought God's direction regarding where we should "plant" our family. The search was mightily difficult, as the housing market in the Helsinki area does not necessarily cater to families. During the weekend prior to signing the contract for our home, we rode the train to the neighborhood and did a prayer-walk, asking the Lord for His will. He spoke and told us that He was making a place for us in the community of Kerava, about 30 kilometers north of Helsinki center. We are grateful, for what He has provided fits our family perfectly and enables us to perform the ministry that we are here to do.
We have already made friends in the Helsinki area, enabling us to show God's love while having relationships that fill the "empty holes in our hearts" that exist due to absent stateside family and friends. He truly does all things well!
AIM couple for the city of Tampere
We will soon begin making regular trips to the city of Tampere. Currently, there are three contacts living there, and we expect this number to grow. Tampere is about three hours northwest of Kerava, and while we are willing to make this journey, we know that a constant leadership presence would be good. If God has ever spoken to you about missions work, we ask that you consider praying about helping us in Tampere, Finland. City of Tampere website
Prayer focus:
(1) That God would speak to someone; that their hearts would be ready and willing to listen - and accept - His calling
(2) Current contacts are both male and female, necessitating the need for a couple
(3) That AIM finances and arrangements could be fulfilled quickly and easily
Language Studies
We are working on study arrangements that will help us learn the Finnish language. While we understand that it is a difficult one to grasp, we also know that God is able to help us. We had been looking at the learning process with some dread. However, God has changed our mindset and we are now considering the task with great expectation and excitement.
Prayer focus: clarity of mind
(1) Prior to studies beginning, that we would grasp new "random" words quickly
(2) Once studies begin, that we would easily remember everything learned
"Community Presence"
We want to be a spiritual light in the community.
Prayer focus:
(1) Wisdom in how we approach people in shops, etc.
(2) Fruits of the Spirit to be evident in our lives - that people can tell we are "different," not just "Americans"
(3) Always ready with a kind word for those we meet - Finns are quiet and it is not normal for "random conversation" to occur. However, we are finding that God is enabling us to speak in such a way that they are immediately accepting of us. We need this trend to grow even more!
Healing for Nat Gourley
Bro. Nat Gourley is husband to Diana, secretary to Bryan Abernathy in the Foreign Missions Division. Last week, while eating dinner during a family visit in Tennessee, he suffered a heart attack; he has been hospitalized since that time. Bro. Gourley has already undergone one surgery but needs another. His situation is different than most, as while most have three main arteries, he only has two. The problem has been compounded in that he contracted pneumonia following the initial surgery. He remains in critical condition and needs a miracle. However, we all know a miracle-working God! We also ask that you pray for his wife, Diana, his children, and their families.
Prayer focus:
(1) Peace of God to cover all involved
(2) That the doctors would have wisdom to perform their tasks
(3) Strength to build in Nat Gourley
(4) God's will to be done: either clearing of pneumonia symptoms so that needed surgery can be performed, or a miraculous touch so that surgery is not needed
(Included with permission of Sis. Diana Gourley)
We appreciate your prayers for Finland, and we know that God does, too.
To our North American prayer partners: this morning during prayer, God gave Glenda a "mind's eye view" of the North American continent from one coast to the other. Intercessory prayers for a revival spirit to sweep over it went forth. God is doing a great work, and it is only going to grow and expand in the future. Prevail in prayer for your communities - God sees your tears and hears your cries. He will certainly respond!
"Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." (Psalm 126:5-6)
May you experience great blessing from the hand of the Almighty as you seek His face!
For Souls,
Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace
"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, He may give it you." (John 15:16)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
~EARTHQUAKE!...in New Zealand
*The information is this article is from Feb. 23rd, 2011 the day after the earthquake.
Police imposed a nightly curfew in some areas of Christchurch, New Zealand’s second-largest city, amid concerns more buildings may collapse following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that killed at least 75 people.
Members of the public who enter an area within the city center’s four main avenues after 6:30 p.m. local time will be arrested, according to the New Zealand Police website. Christchurch’s tallest building, the Grand Chancellor Hotel, is unstable and appears to be moving, police said. Workers have stopped searching the remains of the collapsed Canterbury Television building because of safety concerns.
Fifty-five victims have been named with another 20 recovered and awaiting identification, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key told reporters today. Rescuers are digging through wreckage left by yesterday’s temblor, the nation’s deadliest in 80 years. Television images show one side of the 26-story Chancellor cracking and sagging.
“Today, all New Zealanders grieve for you, Christchurch,” Key said in Wellington as he prepared to board a plane for the wrecked city. “Many people have lost their lives. Families have lost their cherished loved ones. Mates have lost their mates.”
New Zealand declared a national state of emergency to coordinate help from outside the Christchurch region, according to the Civil Defense Department’s website. While people continue to present themselves at triage centers and hospitals, confirmed numbers of injured weren’t available.
*The information is this article is from Feb. 23rd, 2011 the day after the earthquake.
Police imposed a nightly curfew in some areas of Christchurch, New Zealand’s second-largest city, amid concerns more buildings may collapse following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that killed at least 75 people.
Members of the public who enter an area within the city center’s four main avenues after 6:30 p.m. local time will be arrested, according to the New Zealand Police website. Christchurch’s tallest building, the Grand Chancellor Hotel, is unstable and appears to be moving, police said. Workers have stopped searching the remains of the collapsed Canterbury Television building because of safety concerns.
Fifty-five victims have been named with another 20 recovered and awaiting identification, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key told reporters today. Rescuers are digging through wreckage left by yesterday’s temblor, the nation’s deadliest in 80 years. Television images show one side of the 26-story Chancellor cracking and sagging.
“Today, all New Zealanders grieve for you, Christchurch,” Key said in Wellington as he prepared to board a plane for the wrecked city. “Many people have lost their lives. Families have lost their cherished loved ones. Mates have lost their mates.”
New Zealand declared a national state of emergency to coordinate help from outside the Christchurch region, according to the Civil Defense Department’s website. While people continue to present themselves at triage centers and hospitals, confirmed numbers of injured weren’t available.
~The Ten Commandments of How to Get Along With People
1. Keep skid chains on your tongue; always say less than you think. Cultivate a low, persuasive voice. How you say it often counts more than what you say.
2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs you.
3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging thing to or about somebody. Praise good work done, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully.
4. Be interested in others; interested in their pursuits, their welfare, their homes and their families. Make merry with those who rejoice; with those who weep, mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him as one of importance.
5. Be cheerful. Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Hide your pains, worries and disappointments under a smile. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them.
6. Preserve an open mind on all debatable questions. Discuss, but don't argue. It is a mark of superior minds to disagree and yet to be friendly.
7. Let your virtues, if you have any, speak for themselves, and refuse to talk of another's vices. Discourage gossip. Make it a rule to say nothing of another unless it is something good.
8. Be careful of another's feelings. Wit and humor at the other fellow's expense are rarely worth the effort, and may hurt where least expected.
9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Simply live that nobody will believe them. Disordered nerves and a bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.
10. Don't be too anxious about your dues. "Do your work, be patient and keep your disposition sweet, forgot self, and you will be rewarded."
**The Ten Commandments of How to Get Along With People - Author unknown
1. Keep skid chains on your tongue; always say less than you think. Cultivate a low, persuasive voice. How you say it often counts more than what you say.
2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs you.
3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging thing to or about somebody. Praise good work done, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully.
4. Be interested in others; interested in their pursuits, their welfare, their homes and their families. Make merry with those who rejoice; with those who weep, mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him as one of importance.
5. Be cheerful. Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Hide your pains, worries and disappointments under a smile. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them.
6. Preserve an open mind on all debatable questions. Discuss, but don't argue. It is a mark of superior minds to disagree and yet to be friendly.
7. Let your virtues, if you have any, speak for themselves, and refuse to talk of another's vices. Discourage gossip. Make it a rule to say nothing of another unless it is something good.
8. Be careful of another's feelings. Wit and humor at the other fellow's expense are rarely worth the effort, and may hurt where least expected.
9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Simply live that nobody will believe them. Disordered nerves and a bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.
10. Don't be too anxious about your dues. "Do your work, be patient and keep your disposition sweet, forgot self, and you will be rewarded."
**The Ten Commandments of How to Get Along With People - Author unknown
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
~Meltdown in the Mediterranean
The plane ride home from Tripoli, Libya, to Malta late last June took just thirty three minutes, and covered about two hundred forty miles.
In our four day visit to this Land of Sand and more Sand, with its lovely people, my wife and I were able to meet and witness to Libyan (one with whom we have maintained contact), Dutch, Italian and American people.
During the days, we toured, as tourists, among wonderful cultural, historical, and natural sites that abound in Libya. We took in sights and smells both ancient and modern: all the colors and aromas of the souks, the Roman Ruins of Leptis Magna and Sabratha, and the bleak but beautiful desert that begins the vast Sahara, three hours south of Tripoli.
Early each day and late at night, back in our hotel room, we held our daily devotions, Bible reading and prayer. We sought His Spirit of Intercession; that He would remove the obstacles that prohibit freedom of faith in this tormented country.
Just eight months since our visit, revolution is beginning. The tyrannical dictatorship of Colonel Mohamar Ghaddifi is teetering. Today in Malta, two Libyan jet fighter pilots, flew into the international airport here and surrendered themselves as defectors, claiming they did not wish to fire on civilians.
The Mediterranean Island of Malta, the closest European State to Libya, is moving quickly to evacuate hundreds of its national workers to safety.
We have a lot of questions. Can democracy gain a foot hold in this Arab country? Will freedom to choose faith in Jesus Christ become a reality? Will people be able to come and go freely, with easily obtained visas, and be able to deliver Godʼs life changing message?
The burden is real, and souls hang in the balance. Libya has five and a half million people, Tunisia has ten million; Algeria and Morocco have over thirty million each. Will we weep; will we intercede?
Names withheld for security reasons - please continue to PRAY for all our missionaries, and in particular those missionaries in the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions.
21 February, 2011
The plane ride home from Tripoli, Libya, to Malta late last June took just thirty three minutes, and covered about two hundred forty miles.
In our four day visit to this Land of Sand and more Sand, with its lovely people, my wife and I were able to meet and witness to Libyan (one with whom we have maintained contact), Dutch, Italian and American people.
During the days, we toured, as tourists, among wonderful cultural, historical, and natural sites that abound in Libya. We took in sights and smells both ancient and modern: all the colors and aromas of the souks, the Roman Ruins of Leptis Magna and Sabratha, and the bleak but beautiful desert that begins the vast Sahara, three hours south of Tripoli.
Early each day and late at night, back in our hotel room, we held our daily devotions, Bible reading and prayer. We sought His Spirit of Intercession; that He would remove the obstacles that prohibit freedom of faith in this tormented country.
Just eight months since our visit, revolution is beginning. The tyrannical dictatorship of Colonel Mohamar Ghaddifi is teetering. Today in Malta, two Libyan jet fighter pilots, flew into the international airport here and surrendered themselves as defectors, claiming they did not wish to fire on civilians.
The Mediterranean Island of Malta, the closest European State to Libya, is moving quickly to evacuate hundreds of its national workers to safety.
We have a lot of questions. Can democracy gain a foot hold in this Arab country? Will freedom to choose faith in Jesus Christ become a reality? Will people be able to come and go freely, with easily obtained visas, and be able to deliver Godʼs life changing message?
The burden is real, and souls hang in the balance. Libya has five and a half million people, Tunisia has ten million; Algeria and Morocco have over thirty million each. Will we weep; will we intercede?
Names withheld for security reasons - please continue to PRAY for all our missionaries, and in particular those missionaries in the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions.
Monday, February 21, 2011
~News from Estonia - Nate and Ingunn Turner
Just yesterday an orphanage for handicapped children in Estonia burned down, killing 10, mostly wheelchair-bound children. (See Modesto Bee article: http://www.modbee.com/2011/02/20/1565183/report-10-children-killed-in-orphanage.html) With this weighing heavy on our hearts, we offer a way to help children in Estonia for UPCI churches. Below is the information explaining our project for remodeling our building, which will house a church, children's center for mostly underprivileged kids, and shelter for crisis pregnancies and homeless people. We will also use it for a Bible school and training center for northeastern Estonia.
Attached is a video of our new property!
We're praising God for property finally purchased for the work in Estonia. Our national minister, Vadim, is working hard to knock out walls, put up drywall, hang a drop ceiling, install ventilation ducts and replace the pipes and wiring from this soviet-era building. Just a few years ago he could have fixed things up with less effort, but now has to cooperate with western quality building codes that are part of Estonia's newer membership in the European Union. He has now used up the funding he and the church had been able to save and what we were able to raise on deputation and was considering using his credit card to pay the upcoming bill for the electricity and ventilation project when I visited him a week ago. I told him not to do that and that I would see if any churches in America might be able to help him finish the project. I will call him this week with any news I have. The remaining $11,180 is due on about April 10.
He is our only licensed minister in Estonia and last year baptized 27 in Jesus' name and prayed 23 through to the Holy Ghost. At this time he has about 135 people in 4 cities and villages attending weekly services. The people are poor and I was impressed with the funds that they'd been able to save, themselves.
I've received permission from Foreign Missions to raise building funds from the field, and if there's anything you all can do to help, you can send it to Foreign Missions Division with the following designation: 103.FA.033215.21.2101.1.43696. If you decide to do something and it's not too much trouble, could you e-mail me to let me know what you decide? It would be a great encouragement to Vadim.
Blessings to you, and thanks for your consideration. We love you folks & appreciate you!
Nate & Ingunn Turner
Missionaries to the Republic of Estonia
If there is any way you can help support this worthy project please send your offering to Foreign Missions and reference the
above account number.
Thank you,
Jerry E. Powell/WD Foreign Mission's DepartmentNote! The Turners did not request this be posted on the Blog. I asked and received permission to post this information.
**A thought for your consideration - we teach and preach to the members of our churches to be faithful in their tithes and offerings even in difficult and lean financial times, encouraging them to believe and trust God to meet their needs, and we should knowing that the Lord is our provider. By the same token in setting the example we should keep our PIM and other financial commitments and obligations. The Missionaries are counting on YOU!
Thanks to all you pastors and churches who are faithful in your giving! Without YOU the missionaries would not be able to reach a lost world.
Just yesterday an orphanage for handicapped children in Estonia burned down, killing 10, mostly wheelchair-bound children. (See Modesto Bee article: http://www.modbee.com/2011/02/20/1565183/report-10-children-killed-in-orphanage.html) With this weighing heavy on our hearts, we offer a way to help children in Estonia for UPCI churches. Below is the information explaining our project for remodeling our building, which will house a church, children's center for mostly underprivileged kids, and shelter for crisis pregnancies and homeless people. We will also use it for a Bible school and training center for northeastern Estonia.
Attached is a video of our new property!
We're praising God for property finally purchased for the work in Estonia. Our national minister, Vadim, is working hard to knock out walls, put up drywall, hang a drop ceiling, install ventilation ducts and replace the pipes and wiring from this soviet-era building. Just a few years ago he could have fixed things up with less effort, but now has to cooperate with western quality building codes that are part of Estonia's newer membership in the European Union. He has now used up the funding he and the church had been able to save and what we were able to raise on deputation and was considering using his credit card to pay the upcoming bill for the electricity and ventilation project when I visited him a week ago. I told him not to do that and that I would see if any churches in America might be able to help him finish the project. I will call him this week with any news I have. The remaining $11,180 is due on about April 10.
He is our only licensed minister in Estonia and last year baptized 27 in Jesus' name and prayed 23 through to the Holy Ghost. At this time he has about 135 people in 4 cities and villages attending weekly services. The people are poor and I was impressed with the funds that they'd been able to save, themselves.
I've received permission from Foreign Missions to raise building funds from the field, and if there's anything you all can do to help, you can send it to Foreign Missions Division with the following designation: 103.FA.033215.21.2101.1.43696. If you decide to do something and it's not too much trouble, could you e-mail me to let me know what you decide? It would be a great encouragement to Vadim.
Blessings to you, and thanks for your consideration. We love you folks & appreciate you!
Nate & Ingunn Turner
Missionaries to the Republic of Estonia
If there is any way you can help support this worthy project please send your offering to Foreign Missions and reference the
above account number.
Thank you,
Jerry E. Powell/WD Foreign Mission's DepartmentNote! The Turners did not request this be posted on the Blog. I asked and received permission to post this information.
**A thought for your consideration - we teach and preach to the members of our churches to be faithful in their tithes and offerings even in difficult and lean financial times, encouraging them to believe and trust God to meet their needs, and we should knowing that the Lord is our provider. By the same token in setting the example we should keep our PIM and other financial commitments and obligations. The Missionaries are counting on YOU!
Thanks to all you pastors and churches who are faithful in your giving! Without YOU the missionaries would not be able to reach a lost world.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
~Revival coming to Croatia - from the Radovan Hajduk family Jan. 2011
We baptized one more preacher in Croatia!
Dear Friend,
With the year 2010 behind us we reflect on things accomplished. We ministered or drove through 46 US States!
As we start our 13th month of deputation, due to your generosity, our travels have already been cut short by five months.
The year couldn't have ended better. In September we were contacted by Bro. David Bernard and Bro. Robert Rodenbush informing us of a contact in Croatia. A young man was seeking an UPCI church in the city of Zagreb, Croatia's capitol. But there are none! During our Christmas break, I traveled overseas to baptize this young Croatian preacher named Oliver Misic in Jesus name.
A theology student, he asked God to reveal Himself as He truly is, and not what others have told him. He said something opened in his mind and he started jumping up and down in his room saying, "God is one! God is one!" Pray with us as he is currently starting a home church in Zagreb.
Oliver is giving the book, "The Oneness Of God" By D. Bernard, to his friends and says that it's starting a revolution!
He is the second minister we baptized and I believe that God is truly sending laborers into the harvest in this region.
As we are deputizing in the US, we are excited that we now have two ministers who will represent our field of labor at the "Apostolic Renewal Conference" in Vienna, Austria in August.
Also, Evangelist Brandon Houseworth accompanied me for a week, ministering in Serbia & Croatia. At one of the services my childhood and lifelong friend received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Please become our Partner in Missions so we can cut 26 months of deputation down to 18 months, in Jesus name!
Please Become our Partner in Missions by clicking here
Radovan & Tanya Hajduk
UPCI Missionary to Croatia & Slovenia
Radovan and Tanya Hajduk
Region(s): Europe/Middle East
Field(s): Croatia / Slovenia
Poster: download PDF
Website: click here to visit
Bio: Radovan and Tanya Hajduk served on AIM in Novi Sad, Serbia for two years before moving to Canada. Radovan was part of the platform and youth ministry and Tanya helped in Sunday School at UPC of Oshawa. Radovan was born in Serbia and had an abused childhood. His testimony and ministry have reached hundreds of people who have experienced abuse. Tanya is missionary Samuel Balca¿s daughter and was born and raised on the foreign field. The Hajduk¿s served on AIM again in 2006. They spent nine months in the Baltic Republics and over a year in Croatia, where they presently are working with various home groups in order to pioneer a church. Upon returning to the field, they will settle in the capital city, Zagreb, and work on establishing a church there, find new contacts and travelling also in Slovenia, pioneering works.
Republic of Croatia/Republika Hrvatska
Area Coordinator: Roger D. Buckland
Superintendent/President: J. Prince Mathiasz
Population: 4,400,000
Area: 21,830 sq. mi.
Capital: Zagreb
Languages: Croatian (official)
Religions: Christian, 95%; Muslim
After the death of Marshall Tito in 1980, long smoldering nationalism flared, fueled by ethnic and religious strife. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia burst into flames in June 1991 with Croatia’s and Slovenia’s declarations of independence. Croatia emerged into the new millennium from a decade in which it had experienced a bitter war before occupying Serb armies were mostly cleared from Croatian lands and several years of authoritarian nationalism under the late president, Franjo Tudjman. By early 2003 it had made sufficient progress to formally apply for membership in the European Union, becoming the second former Yugoslav republic after Slovenia to do so. The gospel seeds planted by the late John Balca, the father of Samuel Balca and Anne Nowacki, still produce results. According to the 2006 Annual Field Report, the UPC of Croatia has 40 constituents and one church.
PRAY for a great apostolic REVIVAL to sweep these Eastern European nations!
We baptized one more preacher in Croatia!
Dear Friend,
With the year 2010 behind us we reflect on things accomplished. We ministered or drove through 46 US States!
As we start our 13th month of deputation, due to your generosity, our travels have already been cut short by five months.
The year couldn't have ended better. In September we were contacted by Bro. David Bernard and Bro. Robert Rodenbush informing us of a contact in Croatia. A young man was seeking an UPCI church in the city of Zagreb, Croatia's capitol. But there are none! During our Christmas break, I traveled overseas to baptize this young Croatian preacher named Oliver Misic in Jesus name.
A theology student, he asked God to reveal Himself as He truly is, and not what others have told him. He said something opened in his mind and he started jumping up and down in his room saying, "God is one! God is one!" Pray with us as he is currently starting a home church in Zagreb.
Oliver is giving the book, "The Oneness Of God" By D. Bernard, to his friends and says that it's starting a revolution!
He is the second minister we baptized and I believe that God is truly sending laborers into the harvest in this region.
As we are deputizing in the US, we are excited that we now have two ministers who will represent our field of labor at the "Apostolic Renewal Conference" in Vienna, Austria in August.
Also, Evangelist Brandon Houseworth accompanied me for a week, ministering in Serbia & Croatia. At one of the services my childhood and lifelong friend received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Please become our Partner in Missions so we can cut 26 months of deputation down to 18 months, in Jesus name!
Please Become our Partner in Missions by clicking here
Radovan & Tanya Hajduk
UPCI Missionary to Croatia & Slovenia
Radovan and Tanya Hajduk
Region(s): Europe/Middle East
Field(s): Croatia / Slovenia
Poster: download PDF
Website: click here to visit
Bio: Radovan and Tanya Hajduk served on AIM in Novi Sad, Serbia for two years before moving to Canada. Radovan was part of the platform and youth ministry and Tanya helped in Sunday School at UPC of Oshawa. Radovan was born in Serbia and had an abused childhood. His testimony and ministry have reached hundreds of people who have experienced abuse. Tanya is missionary Samuel Balca¿s daughter and was born and raised on the foreign field. The Hajduk¿s served on AIM again in 2006. They spent nine months in the Baltic Republics and over a year in Croatia, where they presently are working with various home groups in order to pioneer a church. Upon returning to the field, they will settle in the capital city, Zagreb, and work on establishing a church there, find new contacts and travelling also in Slovenia, pioneering works.
Republic of Croatia/Republika Hrvatska
Area Coordinator: Roger D. Buckland
Superintendent/President: J. Prince Mathiasz
Population: 4,400,000
Area: 21,830 sq. mi.
Capital: Zagreb
Languages: Croatian (official)
Religions: Christian, 95%; Muslim
After the death of Marshall Tito in 1980, long smoldering nationalism flared, fueled by ethnic and religious strife. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia burst into flames in June 1991 with Croatia’s and Slovenia’s declarations of independence. Croatia emerged into the new millennium from a decade in which it had experienced a bitter war before occupying Serb armies were mostly cleared from Croatian lands and several years of authoritarian nationalism under the late president, Franjo Tudjman. By early 2003 it had made sufficient progress to formally apply for membership in the European Union, becoming the second former Yugoslav republic after Slovenia to do so. The gospel seeds planted by the late John Balca, the father of Samuel Balca and Anne Nowacki, still produce results. According to the 2006 Annual Field Report, the UPC of Croatia has 40 constituents and one church.
PRAY for a great apostolic REVIVAL to sweep these Eastern European nations!
Friday, February 18, 2011
~Things Desired
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
~In 1927, Max Ehrmann gave us timeless advice in a poem called "Desiderata" (Latin for "things desired"):
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
~In 1927, Max Ehrmann gave us timeless advice in a poem called "Desiderata" (Latin for "things desired"):
Thursday, February 17, 2011
~Featured Missionary and Country of the Week - Kevin and Lolita Vacca/Philippine Islands
Kevin and Lolita Vacca
Region(s): Pacific
Field(s): Philippines
Website: click here to visit
Bio: As a U.S. Marine sergeant, Kevin Vacca and his wife, Lolita, were saved in 1982. Within two years they felt called to foreign missions. He eventually left the military to work in the aerospace industry. Because of his job, they were able to serve as AIMers in Germany, Japan, and Taiwan. The Vaccas were appointed to Taiwan in 1994. While attending language school, they organized five international works in five cities. Their appointment was changed to the Philippines in May 1999. In September 2000 they were asked to pastor a Trinitarian church after being invited to preach by the church elders. Shortly thereafter, 33 members were rebaptized in Jesus’ name. The church is now a UPC congregation with 200 in attendance. Vacca serves as advisor to Region 2, is a member of the executive board, and serves on three district boards.
The Philippine Islands became a Spanish colony during the 16th century; they were ceded to the US in 1898 following the Spanish-American War. In 1935 the Philippines became a self-governing commonwealth. Manuel QUEZON was elected president and was tasked with preparing the country for independence after a 10-year transition. In 1942 the islands fell under Japanese occupation during World War II, and US forces and Filipinos fought together during 1944-45 to regain control. On 4 July 1946 the Republic of the Philippines attained its independence. A 20-year rule by Ferdinand MARCOS ended in 1986, when a "people power" movement in Manila ("EDSA 1") forced him into exile and installed Corazon AQUINO as president. Her presidency was hampered by several coup attempts that prevented a return to full political stability and economic development. Fidel RAMOS was elected president in 1992. His administration was marked by increased stability and by progress on economic reforms. In 1992, the US closed its last military bases on the islands. Joseph ESTRADA was elected president in 1998. He was succeeded by his vice-president, Gloria MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, in January 2001 after ESTRADA's stormy impeachment trial on corruption charges broke down and another "people power" movement ("EDSA 2") demanded his resignation. MACAPAGAL-ARROYO was elected to a six-year term as president in May 2004. Her presidency was marred by several corruption allegations but the Philippine economy was one of the few to avoid contraction following the 2008 global financial crisis, expanding each year of her administration. Benigno AQUINO III was elected to a six-year term as president in May 2010. The Philippine Government faces threats from several groups on the US Government's Foreign Terrorist Organization list. Manila has waged a decades-long struggle against ethnic Moro insurgencies in the southern Philippines, which has led to a peace accord with the Moro National Liberation Front and on-again/off-again peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The decades-long Maoist-inspired New Peoples' Army insurgency also operates through much of the country.
Republic of the Philippines/Republika ng Pilipinas
Area Coordinator: Richard A. Denny
Superintendent/President: Alfredo Bodagas
Population: 86300000
Area: 115,830 sq. mi.
Capital: Manila
Languages: Filipino (based on Tagalog), English, regional languages
Religions: Roman Catholic, 83%; Protestant, 9%; Islam, 5%; Buddhist and others, 3%
The Philippine Islands are an archipelago of over 7,000 islands lying about 500 miles off the southeast coast of Asia. The northernmost island is 65 miles from Taiwan while the southernmost island is 40 miles from Borneo. The overall land area is comparable to Arizona’s. A former Spanish and United States colony, the Philippines has many affinities with the Western world including Spain and Latin America due to three centuries of Spanish colonial rule. Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion, and Filipino and English are the official languages. Since its founding in 1957 by Elmer Buckmiller and Arthur Dillon, the UPC of the Philippines has grown to 225,000 constituents, 1,690 licensed ministers, and 4,100 churches and preaching points. The Philippine church operates four Bible schools, one of which is directed by a national leader.
Southeastern Asia, archipelago between the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, east of Vietnam
Geographic coordinates: 13 00 N, 122 00 E
Map references: Southeast Asia
Area: total: 300,000 sq km
Country comparison to the world: 72
Land: 298,170 sq km
Water: 1,830 sq km
Area - comparative: slightly larger than Arizona
Population: - 99,900,177 (July 2010 est.)
Country comparison to the world: 12
Age structure:
-0-14 years: 35.2% (male 17,606,352/female 16,911,376)
-15-64 years: 60.6% (male 29,679,327/female 29,737,919)
-65 years and over: 4.1% (male 1,744,248/female 2,297,381) (2010 est.)
The Vacca family live on the Island of Cebu and Pastor a church in the city of Bogo along with their other responsibilities.
Kevin and Lolita Vacca
Region(s): Pacific
Field(s): Philippines
Website: click here to visit
Bio: As a U.S. Marine sergeant, Kevin Vacca and his wife, Lolita, were saved in 1982. Within two years they felt called to foreign missions. He eventually left the military to work in the aerospace industry. Because of his job, they were able to serve as AIMers in Germany, Japan, and Taiwan. The Vaccas were appointed to Taiwan in 1994. While attending language school, they organized five international works in five cities. Their appointment was changed to the Philippines in May 1999. In September 2000 they were asked to pastor a Trinitarian church after being invited to preach by the church elders. Shortly thereafter, 33 members were rebaptized in Jesus’ name. The church is now a UPC congregation with 200 in attendance. Vacca serves as advisor to Region 2, is a member of the executive board, and serves on three district boards.
The Philippine Islands became a Spanish colony during the 16th century; they were ceded to the US in 1898 following the Spanish-American War. In 1935 the Philippines became a self-governing commonwealth. Manuel QUEZON was elected president and was tasked with preparing the country for independence after a 10-year transition. In 1942 the islands fell under Japanese occupation during World War II, and US forces and Filipinos fought together during 1944-45 to regain control. On 4 July 1946 the Republic of the Philippines attained its independence. A 20-year rule by Ferdinand MARCOS ended in 1986, when a "people power" movement in Manila ("EDSA 1") forced him into exile and installed Corazon AQUINO as president. Her presidency was hampered by several coup attempts that prevented a return to full political stability and economic development. Fidel RAMOS was elected president in 1992. His administration was marked by increased stability and by progress on economic reforms. In 1992, the US closed its last military bases on the islands. Joseph ESTRADA was elected president in 1998. He was succeeded by his vice-president, Gloria MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, in January 2001 after ESTRADA's stormy impeachment trial on corruption charges broke down and another "people power" movement ("EDSA 2") demanded his resignation. MACAPAGAL-ARROYO was elected to a six-year term as president in May 2004. Her presidency was marred by several corruption allegations but the Philippine economy was one of the few to avoid contraction following the 2008 global financial crisis, expanding each year of her administration. Benigno AQUINO III was elected to a six-year term as president in May 2010. The Philippine Government faces threats from several groups on the US Government's Foreign Terrorist Organization list. Manila has waged a decades-long struggle against ethnic Moro insurgencies in the southern Philippines, which has led to a peace accord with the Moro National Liberation Front and on-again/off-again peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The decades-long Maoist-inspired New Peoples' Army insurgency also operates through much of the country.
Republic of the Philippines/Republika ng Pilipinas
Area Coordinator: Richard A. Denny
Superintendent/President: Alfredo Bodagas
Population: 86300000
Area: 115,830 sq. mi.
Capital: Manila
Languages: Filipino (based on Tagalog), English, regional languages
Religions: Roman Catholic, 83%; Protestant, 9%; Islam, 5%; Buddhist and others, 3%
The Philippine Islands are an archipelago of over 7,000 islands lying about 500 miles off the southeast coast of Asia. The northernmost island is 65 miles from Taiwan while the southernmost island is 40 miles from Borneo. The overall land area is comparable to Arizona’s. A former Spanish and United States colony, the Philippines has many affinities with the Western world including Spain and Latin America due to three centuries of Spanish colonial rule. Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion, and Filipino and English are the official languages. Since its founding in 1957 by Elmer Buckmiller and Arthur Dillon, the UPC of the Philippines has grown to 225,000 constituents, 1,690 licensed ministers, and 4,100 churches and preaching points. The Philippine church operates four Bible schools, one of which is directed by a national leader.

Southeastern Asia, archipelago between the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, east of Vietnam
Geographic coordinates: 13 00 N, 122 00 E
Map references: Southeast Asia
Area: total: 300,000 sq km
Country comparison to the world: 72
Land: 298,170 sq km
Water: 1,830 sq km
Area - comparative: slightly larger than Arizona
Population: - 99,900,177 (July 2010 est.)
Country comparison to the world: 12
Age structure:
-0-14 years: 35.2% (male 17,606,352/female 16,911,376)
-15-64 years: 60.6% (male 29,679,327/female 29,737,919)
-65 years and over: 4.1% (male 1,744,248/female 2,297,381) (2010 est.)
The Vacca family live on the Island of Cebu and Pastor a church in the city of Bogo along with their other responsibilities.
Monday, February 14, 2011
~Missionary Prayer Focus - Feb. 15th - Feb. 28th, 2011
Prayer Focus for Tuesday, February 15, 2011: David and Kathy Brott (Missionary Envoy)
Prayer Focus for Wednesday, February 16, 2011: Eddy and Della Mae Kennedy (New Caledonia)
Prayer Focus for Thursday, February 17, 2011: Joseph and Jean Collins (Portugal)
Prayer Focus for Friday, February 18, 2011: Lee and Becky Sherry (Vanuatu / New Caledonia)
Prayer Focus for Saturday, February 19, 2011: Lynne Jewett (Guatemala)
Prayer Focus for Sunday, February 20, 2011: Jerry and Vicki Richardson (RD, Africa)
Prayer Focus for Monday, February 21, 2011: Wayne and Sofia Monday (Panama)
Prayer Focus for Tuesday, February 15, 2011: David and Kathy Brott (Missionary Envoy)
Prayer Focus for Wednesday, February 16, 2011: Eddy and Della Mae Kennedy (New Caledonia)
Prayer Focus for Thursday, February 17, 2011: Joseph and Jean Collins (Portugal)
Prayer Focus for Friday, February 18, 2011: Lee and Becky Sherry (Vanuatu / New Caledonia)
Prayer Focus for Saturday, February 19, 2011: Lynne Jewett (Guatemala)
Prayer Focus for Sunday, February 20, 2011: Jerry and Vicki Richardson (RD, Africa)
Prayer Focus for Monday, February 21, 2011: Wayne and Sofia Monday (Panama)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
~Top Ten Predictions for 2011
Sometimes the Lord rides out the storm with us and other times He calms the restless sea around us. Most of all, He calms the storm inside us in our deepest inner soul.
As the year 2010 ends, with all the problems the World is facing, it can be unsettling to the mind. Today, I will share with you ten predictions that are sure to come true next year!
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on Earth..
3. The Holy Ghost will still move.
4. God will still honor the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
Isn't It Great To Remember Who Is Really In Control, and that; 'the Word of the Lord endures forever.' (1 Peter 1:25)
~Author unknown - received in an e-mail sent to me by Carol Castillo, Director of LEAD at Revival Center UPC in Modesto, CA
Sometimes the Lord rides out the storm with us and other times He calms the restless sea around us. Most of all, He calms the storm inside us in our deepest inner soul.
As the year 2010 ends, with all the problems the World is facing, it can be unsettling to the mind. Today, I will share with you ten predictions that are sure to come true next year!
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on Earth..
3. The Holy Ghost will still move.
4. God will still honor the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
Isn't It Great To Remember Who Is Really In Control, and that; 'the Word of the Lord endures forever.' (1 Peter 1:25)
~Author unknown - received in an e-mail sent to me by Carol Castillo, Director of LEAD at Revival Center UPC in Modesto, CA
Saturday, February 12, 2011
~Chile Earthquake Update - Feb. 12th, 2011
Santiago – A magnitude-7.0 earthquake rocked central and southern Chile on Friday, but authorities in the capital said they had received no reports of casualties or serious damage.
The temblor occurred at 5:05 p.m. (2005 GMT) and was followed by a dozen aftershocks. Its epicenter was located offshore some 69 kilometers (43 miles) northwest of Concepcion, Chile's second-largest city.
The quake was the largest to strike Chile since the magnitude-8.8 temblor of Feb. 27, 2010, which left more than 500 people dead and caused $30 billion in damage.
Friday's earthquake was felt across a broad swath extending from coastal Valparaiso, west of Santiago, to the southern region of Los Lagos, and caused brief disruptions to cell phone and Internet service.
Many people left their homes and workplaces, while residents of coastal areas made for high ground, even though the Onemi emergency management agency did not issue a tsunami warning.
Around 20 percent of the deaths in the February 2010 earthquake were due to a subsequent tsunami that caught most people off guard because of a lack of warnings amid confusion on the part of officials.
After Friday's temblor, authorities in coastal towns filled with tourists enjoying the Southern Hemisphere summer ordered people off the beaches as a precaution.
*Note! There does not appear to be any major damage and no loss of life. Our missionaries are safe and sound for which we thank God.
Santiago – A magnitude-7.0 earthquake rocked central and southern Chile on Friday, but authorities in the capital said they had received no reports of casualties or serious damage.
The temblor occurred at 5:05 p.m. (2005 GMT) and was followed by a dozen aftershocks. Its epicenter was located offshore some 69 kilometers (43 miles) northwest of Concepcion, Chile's second-largest city.
The quake was the largest to strike Chile since the magnitude-8.8 temblor of Feb. 27, 2010, which left more than 500 people dead and caused $30 billion in damage.
Friday's earthquake was felt across a broad swath extending from coastal Valparaiso, west of Santiago, to the southern region of Los Lagos, and caused brief disruptions to cell phone and Internet service.
Many people left their homes and workplaces, while residents of coastal areas made for high ground, even though the Onemi emergency management agency did not issue a tsunami warning.
Around 20 percent of the deaths in the February 2010 earthquake were due to a subsequent tsunami that caught most people off guard because of a lack of warnings amid confusion on the part of officials.
After Friday's temblor, authorities in coastal towns filled with tourists enjoying the Southern Hemisphere summer ordered people off the beaches as a precaution.
*Note! There does not appear to be any major damage and no loss of life. Our missionaries are safe and sound for which we thank God.
Friday, February 11, 2011
~News Flash - Earthquake strikes Southren Chile
7.0 Earthquake strikes Southern Chile this morning! No further information at this time.
Please PRAY for our missionary families in Chile; the Shane Hayes and Dan Barkley families.
More information as it is received!
7.0 Earthquake strikes Southern Chile this morning! No further information at this time.
Please PRAY for our missionary families in Chile; the Shane Hayes and Dan Barkley families.
More information as it is received!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
~Suriname News Flash - January 2011
The theme for the United Pentecostal Church of Suriname for 2011 is Back to Acts. We started the year with thirty days of prayer and fasting during January, and have already seen positive things taking place.
January 7 & 8
-Prayer and planning retreat for ministers and wives.
January 16
-Leadership meeting for capital city church.
January 19
-One person received the the Holy Ghost during prayer meeting in Paramaribo.
January 22 & 23
-Trip to visit congregation in Nieuw Nickerie. One person received the Holy Ghost.
January 30
-Bible study at central prison.
Thank you for blessing our family with your prayers and support, which help make our work here in Suriname possible. Believe with us for a great year in 2011.
The Rhoads Family
Missionaries to Suriname
The theme for the United Pentecostal Church of Suriname for 2011 is Back to Acts. We started the year with thirty days of prayer and fasting during January, and have already seen positive things taking place.
January 7 & 8
-Prayer and planning retreat for ministers and wives.
January 16
-Leadership meeting for capital city church.
January 19
-One person received the the Holy Ghost during prayer meeting in Paramaribo.
January 22 & 23
-Trip to visit congregation in Nieuw Nickerie. One person received the Holy Ghost.
January 30
-Bible study at central prison.
Thank you for blessing our family with your prayers and support, which help make our work here in Suriname possible. Believe with us for a great year in 2011.
The Rhoads Family
Missionaries to Suriname
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Phillip and Sandra Rhoads |
~The Finland Flashpoint - Jan./Feb. 2011
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Helsinki, Finland |
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Helsinki Cathedral |
The Mark Alphin family
January/February 2011
2011 - Beginning a New Year in Our New Home
We arrived in Helsinki on December 30, 2010, just in time to celebrate the New Year of 2011 in our new home. Granted, our humanity began to immediately experience the cultural differences, feel the loss of a New Year's Eve service, and miss the celebration of New Year's Day with loved ones. However, our spirits were warm with the understanding that God had arranged events so that we could experience our new home-Finland-from the very beginning of a brand-new year. (God's timing is always so infinitely perfect, why do we ever question it?)
We have already made new friends while meeting others with whom we have been communicating via email for many months. It was heart-warming to meet such a lady who told us, "I have been waiting for this for over 30 years!" She had been an exchange student in the late 70's and wanted an extension of her American family to come to Finland. We are truly enjoying our new friendships and look forward to meeting more people as the days go by.
We welcome contact information for Finnish friends that you have made, either in the U.S. or abroad. Also, feel free to share our email address [overseas_laborer@pursuetheprize.org] and website information [www.finlandonfire.org] with them as well. With the help of both Miranda and a Finnish student translator, we are excited to be in the process of building a bilingual website. We hope for it to be fully functioning by May 1.
Thank You for Supporting TEAM FINLAND
We have always felt humbled and blessed by the outpouring of love and support that has been showered upon our family since our life in missions began in 2005. As we arrived in Finland and began to settle into our new home, the thankfulness that we have felt has grown.
Thank you to our monthly PIM's-without you, we could not empower God's vision for Finland. Thank you to those who cover us in prayer-the fight has just begun, but we are daily victors through Christ! To those of you who gave to our various projects, thank you. We appreciate the ability to set up housekeeping, begin to function in a normal family setting, and prepare for our ministry to this country.
We pray God's richest blessings on your 2011 and beyond. May He enlarge your borders while blessing your involvement in the Kingdom of God, and may a bountiful harvest of the Spirit occur in your individual communities, in Jesus' Name!
Insurance Need for Miranda
Due to a budget misunderstanding, we discovered late last fall that Miranda's insurance coverage would cease on her 19th birthday (which occurred on February 3, 2011). She has been approved as an AIM worker to Finland and is currently raising PIM's to help cover the costs of her monthly expenses. If you can help her by either becoming a partner in missions or giving a one-time offering, we know that she would appreciate it.
Miranda's FMD account number: 224537
Email address: miranda_alphin@pursuetheprize.org
Please feel free to forward this email to those whom you believe would enjoy it, or would be interested in following our ministry in Finland. We are actively growing TEAM FINLAND and welcome any new members to Finland's Intercessor Team or FIT4Kids (Miranda will be assisting with the FIT4Kids updates, and one will be sent out soon - once internet is working at our home).
May God bless the remainder of your February (Helmikuu - Finnish for February)!
Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace
UPCI Missionaries to Finland
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
~A Report from Gary and Kristi Landaw - Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago
Gary and Kristi Landaw
United Pentecostal Church International
Missionaries to Puerto Rico/Trinidad & Tobago
Greetings from the field,
We are so thankful to be back on the field. On January 15th we landed in San Juan Puerto Rico . The week after we landed in Port of Spain, Trinidad. We are so thankful we can work on both of these islands. Everywhere we have been in the past few weeks we realize there is still a great harvest and it is with joy we begin our 7th term.
What is Happening
-In past couple of weeks 6 were baptized in Trinidad.
-Concrete foundation has been poured for extension of church in Tobago.
-Looking for the right place to plant first new church in Puerto Rico.
We will declare His Name
It is a joy to be able to share Jesus . Your faithful prayers and giving make it possible. Thank you for your partnership. We appreciate you.
Gary and Kristi Landaw
Email: galandaw@aol.com
Phone 317.361.6818
Prayer Requests for Upcoming Events
-Prayer/Youth Camp (Trinidad)
-Trinidad Crusade
-Planting Church (Puerto Rico)
If you know of people that have family in Puerto Rico or Trinidad/Tobago we would love to contact their families to share the gospel.
Puerto Rico population is estimated at 3.9 million people with the majority residing in the San Juan Metropolitan area
-Trinidad and Tobago came under British control in the 19th century, then gaining their independence in 1962.
-The country is one of the most prosperous island nations in the Caribbean, primarily due to its offshore petroleum and natural gas production and processing.
-Tourism is a significant industry here, with most visitors favoring the idylic island of Tobago.
Quick Facts and Figures
-Official Name Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
-Population 1,362,000 Tobago (75,000)
-Capital City Port-of-Spain (45,300)
-Languages English (official), Hindi, others
-Official Currency Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
-Religions Catholic, Hindu, others
-Land Area 5,128 sq km
-Latitude/Longitude 11º 00N, 61º 00W
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
~The Four Agreements
The Four Agreements can be summed up as follows:
(1) Be Impeccable With Your Word. The broad scope of this concept is to avoid sin against yourself by what you think. Sinning against the self takes many forms: such as, putting yourself down, gossiping, or putting anybody else down because you don't agree with what they think. Actions and words need to be consistent as part of being impeccable with yourself. The other side of the coin is the smoky mirror concept. Ruiz makes the point that our perceptions of others are merely reflections of ourselves. Therefore, to put another down or project negative words or energy towards another person, is to lash out at the other person because of our own insecurities.
(2) Don't Take Anything Personally. There is an awful lot of negative energy out there and some of it is directed at us by other people. If you take it personally and take on the poison of another's words, it becomes a very negative agreement you have with yourself. What anybody thinks about you, or says about you, is really about them. Not taking it personally allows you to be in relationship with anyone and not get trapped in their stuff. This agreement can also pertain to things that we take personally that cause us to go into upset.
(3) Don't Make Assumptions. What we think we understand about what someone says, how someone looks at us, what someone means by what they do, etc, may often not reflect reality at all, and more often than not lead us to think badly of ourselves or of others, and reinforce not being impeccable with our word.
(4) Always Do Your Best. Your "best" is a variable thing from moment to moment. "When you do your best, you don't give the Judge the opportunity to find you guilty or to blame you.” You can always say, “I did my best." There are no regrets. The other key to doing your best revolves about being in action. "Action is about living fully. Inaction is the way that we deny life. Inaction is sitting in front of the television every day for years because you are afraid to be alive and to take the risk of expressing what you are. Expressing what you are is taking action. You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward."
~The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Four Agreements can be summed up as follows:
(1) Be Impeccable With Your Word. The broad scope of this concept is to avoid sin against yourself by what you think. Sinning against the self takes many forms: such as, putting yourself down, gossiping, or putting anybody else down because you don't agree with what they think. Actions and words need to be consistent as part of being impeccable with yourself. The other side of the coin is the smoky mirror concept. Ruiz makes the point that our perceptions of others are merely reflections of ourselves. Therefore, to put another down or project negative words or energy towards another person, is to lash out at the other person because of our own insecurities.
(2) Don't Take Anything Personally. There is an awful lot of negative energy out there and some of it is directed at us by other people. If you take it personally and take on the poison of another's words, it becomes a very negative agreement you have with yourself. What anybody thinks about you, or says about you, is really about them. Not taking it personally allows you to be in relationship with anyone and not get trapped in their stuff. This agreement can also pertain to things that we take personally that cause us to go into upset.
(3) Don't Make Assumptions. What we think we understand about what someone says, how someone looks at us, what someone means by what they do, etc, may often not reflect reality at all, and more often than not lead us to think badly of ourselves or of others, and reinforce not being impeccable with our word.
(4) Always Do Your Best. Your "best" is a variable thing from moment to moment. "When you do your best, you don't give the Judge the opportunity to find you guilty or to blame you.” You can always say, “I did my best." There are no regrets. The other key to doing your best revolves about being in action. "Action is about living fully. Inaction is the way that we deny life. Inaction is sitting in front of the television every day for years because you are afraid to be alive and to take the risk of expressing what you are. Expressing what you are is taking action. You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward."
~The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz
Saturday, February 5, 2011
~If You Don't Have Something Nice to Say...Don't Say Anything!
Tragic stories and new data on the prevalence and harmfulness of bullying have made us all more sensitive to the ways our words can hurt others – merciless criticism, nasty sarcasm, hurtful nicknames, malicious rumors, and careless gossip.
'In Words That Hurt, Words That Heal,' Joseph Telushkin writes about the moral implications of what we say. He points out that most people choose their clothes more carefully than they choose their words, yet, "Unless you've been a victim of terrible physical violence, chances are the worst pains you have suffered in life have come from words." The simple fact is that what we say about others can not only hurt feelings, it can damage reputations and affect the way the person we talk about is treated or thought of.
So much for "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
To prove how often we engage in gossip or negative words, Telushkin challenges his readers to go 24 hours without saying an unkind word to or about anyone.
Ethical speech – speaking fairly, respectfully, responsibly, and carefully about others – is an easy duty to neglect. Here's an easy test: ask yourself how the person you're talking about would feel if he or she overheard the conversation. And would you be willing to say what you said if the object of your gossip was present?
In the end, I was left with a greater appreciation for the advice I've heard often but regularly ignore: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
~Michael Josephson - CharacterCounts.org
Tragic stories and new data on the prevalence and harmfulness of bullying have made us all more sensitive to the ways our words can hurt others – merciless criticism, nasty sarcasm, hurtful nicknames, malicious rumors, and careless gossip.
'In Words That Hurt, Words That Heal,' Joseph Telushkin writes about the moral implications of what we say. He points out that most people choose their clothes more carefully than they choose their words, yet, "Unless you've been a victim of terrible physical violence, chances are the worst pains you have suffered in life have come from words." The simple fact is that what we say about others can not only hurt feelings, it can damage reputations and affect the way the person we talk about is treated or thought of.
So much for "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
To prove how often we engage in gossip or negative words, Telushkin challenges his readers to go 24 hours without saying an unkind word to or about anyone.
Ethical speech – speaking fairly, respectfully, responsibly, and carefully about others – is an easy duty to neglect. Here's an easy test: ask yourself how the person you're talking about would feel if he or she overheard the conversation. And would you be willing to say what you said if the object of your gossip was present?
In the end, I was left with a greater appreciation for the advice I've heard often but regularly ignore: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
~Michael Josephson - CharacterCounts.org
~How Honest Are You? - A Little Quiz to Test Your Honesty
Here's a little quiz to test your honesty. Now be completely honest.
Would you:
1. Go back and tell the clerk if you discovered you were undercharged by $10?
2. Use the express line at a grocery store, even if you had a few too many items, if you were in a hurry?
3. Lie about a child's age to save $30 at an amusement park?
4. Lie about a child's address to get her in a better school?
5. Make an unauthorized copy of software?
6. Use a friend's employee discount?
7. Use a radar detector so you can exceed the speed limit without fear of getting a ticket?
8. Lie about purchases you made abroad to avoid the hassle of paying customs duty?
9. Deliberately omit an important fact in a discussion with a friend to get them to do what you want?
10. Lie to someone to avoid an uncomfortable conversation?
11. Give a false excuse for missing work or an appointment?
12. Lie to cover for your boss?
13. Ask someone to lie for you to get you out of a jam?
14. Lie about the number of miles you drive to get a cheaper insurance rate?
15. Exaggerate your previous pay on a resume?
~Michael Josephson - charactercounts.org
Here's a little quiz to test your honesty. Now be completely honest.
Would you:
1. Go back and tell the clerk if you discovered you were undercharged by $10?
2. Use the express line at a grocery store, even if you had a few too many items, if you were in a hurry?
3. Lie about a child's age to save $30 at an amusement park?
4. Lie about a child's address to get her in a better school?
5. Make an unauthorized copy of software?
6. Use a friend's employee discount?
7. Use a radar detector so you can exceed the speed limit without fear of getting a ticket?
8. Lie about purchases you made abroad to avoid the hassle of paying customs duty?
9. Deliberately omit an important fact in a discussion with a friend to get them to do what you want?
10. Lie to someone to avoid an uncomfortable conversation?
11. Give a false excuse for missing work or an appointment?
12. Lie to cover for your boss?
13. Ask someone to lie for you to get you out of a jam?
14. Lie about the number of miles you drive to get a cheaper insurance rate?
15. Exaggerate your previous pay on a resume?
~Michael Josephson - charactercounts.org
Thursday, February 3, 2011
~Barcelona Commentary - Revival Report...2010 in Review
Year of Growth Throughout Spain
2010 was another exciting year of revival throughout the country of Spain. What God has done in the last few years in this nation has been amazing.
We're excited to report that Spain now has 41 churches or preaching points with 4739 constituents. In 2010 we saw:
582 filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and
537 were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Revival is here in Europe!
New Church Planted in Tarragona
This past year the Lord helped us to plant a new church in the city of Tarragona. After many weeks of home Bible studies we had our first service in December, in that service we had our first to receive the Holy Ghost in this city. We have now installed a new Pastor in that city and the church is beginning to grow and has baptized several people in this New Year.
Los Pentecostales De Barcelona
In the church that we Pastor in Barcelona we were blessed to have 72 receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for the first time and baptized 40 in the name of Jesus this past year. With an attendance of over 300 on Sundays we believe God will be opening the doors for us to obtain a larger building to accommodate the continued growth that God is giving. During the month of January 2011, we have had 15 to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Barcelona Commentary
Rev. & Mrs. Nathan A. Harrod
Missionaries to Spain
United Pentecostal Church International
Revival Report... 2010 in Review
Year of Growth Throughout Spain
2010 was another exciting year of revival throughout the country of Spain. What God has done in the last few years in this nation has been amazing.
We're excited to report that Spain now has 41 churches or preaching points with 4739 constituents. In 2010 we saw:
582 filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and
537 were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Revival is here in Europe!
New Church Planted in Tarragona
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The first to receive the Holy Ghost in Tarragona |
This past year the Lord helped us to plant a new church in the city of Tarragona. After many weeks of home Bible studies we had our first service in December, in that service we had our first to receive the Holy Ghost in this city. We have now installed a new Pastor in that city and the church is beginning to grow and has baptized several people in this New Year.
Los Pentecostales De Barcelona

Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, and Alaina Harrod
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