Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

**Robert and Sheri Moses - Russia

Bio: Robert and Sheri Moses were born and reared in Illinois. He came into the church at the age of 14 under Jack Jenkins’s ministry in Toledo, Illinois. She, a third-generation Pentecostal, grew up in the small town of McClure and came to the Lord at the age of seven. They have been married for 25 years. During that time, they were involved in the ministry of Calvary Tabernacle, Toledo. In 1995, they began a home missions church in Marshall, Illinois. In 2000, God called them to go as AIM workers to Russia where they began working under the direction of William Turner in Moscow in summer 2001. After answering the call of God to Russia, God blessed their home with an adorable baby boy, Robert “Anthony,” on January 12, 2001. In the 2002 General Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, they were appointed as intermediate missionaries to Russia.

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Russian Federation/Rossiyskaya Federatsiya

Area Coordinator: William D. Turner


Population: 142300000

Area: 6,592,819 sq. mi.

Capital: Moscow

Languages: Russian

Religions: Russian Orthodox

The Russian Federation is the world’s largest nation, with more than 76% of the area of the former USSR. Because of its size, the nation has every type of climate except for the distinctly tropical. Russia was a nation in economic and political turmoil, and it remained so throughout the decade of the 90s. As a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Russia is politically linked with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Andrew D. Urshan, the father of the former general superintendent of the UPCI, evangelized in Russia in the early twentieth century. Plantings from his revival are still found. In 1990 Samuel Balca and Harold Kinney established the first official contact with a group of Oneness Pentecostals in St. Petersburg (Leningrad). This group is the direct result of Andrew Urshan’s ministry. Other groups have also been found. According to the 2006 Annual Field Report, the Russian UPC has 264 constituents, one licensed national minister, and seven churches and preaching points. Working with the other missionaries under appointment to the former Soviet Union, William Turner has helped to initiate an annual area-wide youth conference, ministers and wives training seminar, and the CIS and Baltic States Youth Corps, involving Russian-speaking young people in evangelistic outreach to their own formerly communist nations. One boon to the revival in Russia has been the acceptance of the School of Tomorrow by the Russian authorities. Several associates in missions have come to Russia to teach in the Christian schools and have been instrumental in establishing churches.