Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Apostolic Way

The Apostolic Way

We, the body of Christ, have a moral and spiritual responsibility to become the most powerful, prolific and dynamic apostolic church in the world.

We will accomplish this as each local assembly, pastor, church leader, and saint of God becomes more influential, inspired, anointed, and more capable than anyone else at defining, and then serving the CAUSE greater than our own.’

We will succeed by setting near-term objectives and long-term goals that are consistent and in alignment with the principles, precepts, and teachings of the scripture: knowing, and understanding that it will require collective and personal growth, spiritual maturity, consecration, sacrifice, and superlative performance by each of us. We will change any objectives or goals that no longer require collective and personal growth, continued spiritual development, or outstanding performance to ones that do while maintaining our love for truth. We will ‘…earnestly contend for the FAITH once delivered to the saints,’ and intensify our evangelistic thrust, believing in and expecting the miraculous, wonderful works of God as experienced by the apostles in the book of Acts.

As a unified body, and individually, we acknowledge and understand that the Apostolic Way is about our dedication, accountability, and responsibility to the team. We are workers together with God! We are on His team.

Our commitment to reach out, stretch, grow, and excel in all that we do to further the kingdom of God is an unending one. This is the Apostolic Way, and we are committed to it!

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