Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, March 22, 2010

Anticipation Makes the Days Sweeter

The following is an excerpt from "The Finland Flashpoint," a newsletter published by the Mark Alphin family, deputizing missionaries to the country of Finland.  This article is written by their daughter Candace.

Do you remember when you were a child, and your birthday was appearing fast on the calendar? You would begin planning and plotting months before your birthday even happened. You would run to your mother, "Mom! My birthday! What are we going to do?!" Or you'd dash to your father, "Dad! What are we doing for my birthday? It's almost here!"

To which was the normal reply: "Candace (insert your own name here), your birthday is not for 6 more months. We have plenty of time to plan. You just need to be patient." Inwardly you'd be thinking: PATIENT! WHAT? My birthday is almost here and you're telling me to be PATIENT? But you'd reply, "Yes, sir (or ma'am)." And finally, after what seems like years, and years, and years of waiting, your birthday would arrive! You'd have a party, and it'd just as you imagined! You'd have your cake and themed décor, friends and family, and lots of presents. After the celebration would end and the day would be over, you'd lay in bed thinking: That was an amazing birthday! But, wait! I have another birthday coming up next year! Yippee! And so the planning and the anticipation would begin once again.

I can honestly tell you that I performed the exact process mentioned in the previous story. I would plan and wait, plan and wait, and then my birthday would finally come ,and it would be great! Then, the next morning, I would be back to planning, waiting in excitement and anticipation. Well, to be frank, also with impatience. But, it was always worth the wait.

It's the same thing with Finland. I was called to missions when I was 5 years old. I've been waiting, planning, and plotting in anticipation for what is to come for the past 10 years. It's an exciting thing, anticipation. When my father told me that we were going to be interviewed for Intermediate Missionary Status, I had just gotten up out of bed. If I was completely awake, I probably would have screamed. But I smiled a huge smile and said, "Yes! That's awesome!" When I heard that we were appointed, I jumped up and down like a little child, excitement and anticipation taking over. We started deputation, and began the road to Finland. We are still currently traveling, but this phase is almost finished, and every day puts me closer to my calling. Yes, I'm impatient and want to be there right now. Yes, I get tired of having to pack and repack all my belongings, but I have to remember that every day takes me closer to home. This is what I was born to do, and it's definitely worth the wait. Every day, the anticipation mounts higher and higher. As we count the days, we plan and pray, waiting in excitement (and some impatience) for what is to come. Anticipation definitely makes the days sweeter.

by Candace Alphin

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