Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CSI News

Chile Update #1


This morning I was able to have a conference call with South America Regional Director Darry Crossley and our missionaries in Chile, Daniel Barkley and Shane Hayes. The urgent need right now is for us to somehow get food and water to the Shane Hayes family and the saints in the Concepción area.
 Therefore, Brother Barkley and Brother Jose Poblete are making their way today to Concepción to reach the Hayes family and Brother Daniel Firmani. They will be taking food, water, portable stove and other supplies with them. Brother Barkley will give us a better understanding of things at some point tomorrow when he is able to come out from Concepción. After Brother Barkley’s assessment we will then begin formulating a plan for aid in Chile.

Right now communication is very limited due to destroyed cell phone towers and lack of electricity. The Hayes family has limited communication and Brother Barkley will likely be out of communication as well when he gets to Concepción. Please pray for the safety of Brother Barkley and Brother Poblete as they travel today and that God will protect the Hayes family and the saints in Chile.

As soon as possible CSI will be wiring funds to Chile. This will depend on the infrastructure and banking in Chile. Because of your giving in the past CSI has funds on hand for our initial involvement in Chile. If you would like to donate for further operations there, please send your check to:

8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood, MO 63042

Visit http://www.compassionservices.com/for further updates and breaking news as it regards our UPCI missionaries in Chile. Please continue to keep them in your prayer.

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