Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, March 12, 2010

NEWS Flash - Bomb Blasts in Pakistan

Lahore, Pakistan 3.12.2010

There have been 5 bomb blasts here in Lahore within two hours, and another one just now. That makes a total of 8 bomb blasts today. We have been advised by Bro. Allan Shalm not to go out
 for the next couple of days until we find out what is going on and why these bombing are happening.

On Monday there was a big bomb blast that took down a building about 2-3 Km away from the bible college. One of the areas that had two bomb blasts today is the same area that Aslam is supposed to preach at this coming Tuesday, March 16th. So pray that God keeps us safe along with all the other missionaries, pastors, saints, and innocent people.

Thanks for your prayers!!

Aslam & Toy Malik
Missionaries to Pakistan

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