Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, May 3, 2010

~Coming Soon! **WD Conference - Foreign Missions Service May 11th, 2010

Western District Conference - Centro Vida United Pentecostal Church, Stockton, CA 95205

Tuesday May 11th, 2010 - Foreign Missions Service

Don't miss the Foreign Missions service.  It is going to be exciting, moving, anointed and powerful

Exciting things will begin to happen immediately as the service gets under way; a professional video presentation highlighting the nations of our world, and a flag procession. Missionary James Corbin from Bangaldesh and Missionary Ron Brian from Haiti will be joining us live from their field of labor by the way of Skype. You don't want to miss these powerful presentations.

Also, there are two missionaries traveling in our district who will be in our conference and they will be speaking to us about their burden for missions.

The choir from Bro. Shiver's church will be providing annointed music and singing during the service.

Because we are a part of God's economy we are expecting to receive one of the best offerings ever as we give to "...a greater CAUSE worthy of greater SACRIFICE!"

Bro. Shutes will be our speaker for the evening...we are anticipating great things from God!

More information below:

From the field live by way of Skype - Bro. Ron Brian/Haiti

From the field live by way of Skype - Bro. James Corbin/Bangladesh (from the Western District)

Traveling in the Western District and attending our Conference are the following missionaries:

Bro. and Sis. Joseph Collins/Portugal

Bro. and Sis. Richard Lucas/Japan, Military District and Asia

Our evening speaker and missionary to Belarus/Baltic Republics - Bro. Mark Shutes

1 comment:

  1. this sounds like an exiting conference. I hope to be there.
