Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, May 13, 2010

~Haiti Report from Missionary Ron Brian

On January 12, 2010 at approximately 4:53 P.M., the earth shook for 35 seconds in Haiti. Every since that day “life as normalhas been anything but normal. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost, multitudes more were displaced and left homeless, and businesses, churches and homes became piles of rubble. Suddenly, daily survival and picking up the pieces of a normal life became the new norm.

Within 60 hours of the earthquake, staple food items for distribution were being loaded on a bus in the Dominican Republic. Within 72 hours—a team arrived in Haiti to begin assessment and distribution of Earthquake Relief.

Since that time—

     *16 medical clinics have taken place

     *2,543 people have been treated medically

     *700+ humanitarian buckets have been distributed

     *Thousands of personal care kits have been handed out

     *3 40’ containers filled with humanitarian relief items have been cleared from customs—without duty

     *Work team from Dominican Republic has secured the back wall of the Headquarters’ complex

     *Thousands of pounds of rice, beans, corn meal, oatmeal, oil, flour, sugar, crackers, canned meats and vegetables, milk and hundreds of gallons of fresh drinking water have been given to the people of Haiti

All of these activities have been made possible because of churches and individuals of the United Pentecostal Church International. The compassion with which everyone responded has overwhelmed us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

However, years from now when I reflect on the ‘effects of the earthquake’ none of those things will be what come to my mind. I will, however, always remember the day Elsie, Jenny, & Gigi went down in Jesus’ name. Elsie is a Catholic lady who has worked with the United Pentecostal Church missionaries to Haiti since before her two daughters, Jenny & Gigi, was even born. For the past 26 years each of the resident UPC missionary families have shared the Truth with love to Elsie but she never wavered in her Catholic faith until God “shook the foundation” of her very life. The earthquake changed everything for Elsie, Jenny & Gigi. She lost her sister, her home, and the ‘normal life’ to which she was accustomed to before the earthquake, but she found hope, happiness and salvation in Jesus. Now she says, “Thank God for the earthquake”.

Missionary Ron Brian baptising a precious soul in the wonderful and powerful name that is above every name...the name of Jesus!

Please continue to pray for the work in Haiti as the country strives to rebuild its infastructure, find shelter for the many thousands that were left homeless, feed the hungry, and restore some semblance of normalcy to life in this devasted nation.


  1. I would like to know if there is a UPC in POrt-au-Prince. If yes , i! would like to know his location and the address.
    Thank you and God bless you.


  2. Yolette,

    Please send your contact information to jpowell@wdfmd.com and I will get you the information.

    God bless,
    Jerry E. Powell
