Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

~Character Does Matter - to You and God! Part II

A person of character...exemplifies the following:



DO: Be fair and justTreat people equallyMake decisions without favoritism or prejudiceIn imposing punishment be sure the consequences for wrongdoing are consistent, certain, and proportional (not too harsh or lenient)

DON’T: Take more than your fair shareTake advantage of or blame others unfairly


DO: Be open-minded and impartialconsider what people have to say before you decideBe carefulget the facts, including opposing viewpoints, before making decisions (especially blaming or accusing another)



Concern for Others

DO: Be compassionate and empatheticBe kind, loving, and considerateBe thankful and express gratitude for what people do for youForgive others for their shortcomings

DON’T: Be mean, cruel or insensitive


DO: Be charitable and altruisticgive money, time, support, and comfort for the sake of making someone else’s life better, not for praise or gratitudeHelp people in need



Do Your Share

DO: Be a good citizen and a good neighborCare about and pursue the common goodBe a volunteerhelp your school and community be better, cleaner, and saferProtect the environment by conserving resources, reducing pollution, and cleaning up after yourself Participate in making things better by voicing your opinion, voting, serving on committees, reporting wrongdoing and paying taxes

Respect Authority and the Law

DO: Play by the rulesObey parents, teachers, coaches, and others who have been given authorityObserve just lawsHonor and respect principles of democracy

Excerpt from http://www.charactercounts.org/

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