Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, August 22, 2010

~The Finland Flashpoint - Update on TEAM Finland/Alphin Family

Thank you, Oklahoma District!

Our family would like to extend a huge thank you to the ministry and saints of the Oklahoma District. During Mark's two weeks of deputation there (July 13-26), he received 15 PIM's at $610/month plus $1,293.62 in Airfare Project monies! We appreciate your willingness to give, and pray God's mighty blessings upon you all.

Where in the World is the Alphin Family?

Our family is in Columbus, Ohio, working to finish our packing and final arrangements for departure. We are expecting to receive the Finnish Immigration Service's decision regarding our Residence Permits very soon, as their self-imposed time-frame expires between 45-55 days (with the 45th day being 8/15). We have been praying for God's perfect timing, and ask that you would do the same. We are resting in the knowledge that He is in control!

Miranda Approved as Associate in Missions

If you have been following our newsletters, you know that Miranda turned 18 in February and subsequently graduated this past June. Then, in July, the FMAC approved her application for AIM status! (Yes, Mom and Dad are very happy!)

This brings us to Miranda's urgent need. We found out last week that we misunderstood the insurance arrangement for MK's. Although she is included in our budget, Miranda will not be covered under our insurance plan past 2/2011 because only full-time students are eligible. As Miranda has chosen to dedicate the next several years to solely following God's path and calling, she must provide other means for this coverage.

The Associates in Missions department has insurance available; however, Miranda needs (6) $50 PIM's to help fulfill the financial obligation for $300/month insurance coverage. This expense is beyond the scope of our personal PIM budget and will need to be funded through her AIM PIM account.

If you can help us with this need, through either a PIM or one-time offering, we would greatly appreciate it. We have three options available for giving:

Through UPCI Foreign Missions Division, mail your offering to:
8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, Missouri 63042
Check memo: Miranda Alphin begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Project# 224537

To become a PARTNER IN MISSIONS with Miranda:

You can do this online at http://foreignmissions.com/support/enrollAsPIM.asp

Please note: the online form allows you to either choose a missionary family or enter a project number. Miranda's account is separate from ours; she is not listed in the missionary drop-down list, so you will need to enter her project, 224537, on the "project not listed" line.

Through our local church, mail your offering to: The Church Triumphant of Columbus Attn: Miranda Alphin-Missions Account, 1001 Vera Place, Columbus, Ohio 43204

(Charitable donation statements are provided at years-end.)

Because God has placed a personal calling upon Miranda to Finland, we know that He will certainly supply all of her needs according to His riches in glory. Any assistance that you can provide in helping Him accomplish this will be a blessing, and we humbly thank you in advance for both praying and considering to help her achieve the support needed.

Thank you for being a part of TEAM FINLAND. We appreciate ALL of you so much.

Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace Alphin

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