Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

~Sheaves for Christ - please give a generous offering

Sheaves For Christ 2010

Are you looking for an investment opportunity with a guaranteed return?

Sheaves For Christ is that opportunity. Every dollar you invest in SFC connects you to ministry in North America and around the world that will yield eternal dividends. Students are impacted by district events, General Youth Division ministries and events, and SFC allocation partners. The gospel is preached and the great commission fulfilled by the means of foreign missionary vehicles and home missionary property/building grants. We invite you to make your investment by receiving a sacrificial offering for Sheaves For Christ on Sunday, August 29, 2010.

Missionary to Spain Nathan Harrod and his family are thankful for their vehicle provided by Sheaves For Christ. Watch their expression of gratitude below.

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