Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, September 6, 2010

~Missionary Prayer FOCUS Sept. 6th - Sept. 12th, 2010

Prayer Focus for Monday, September 6, 2010: Ken and Ginny Cantrell (Burkina Faso)
                                                                     Ken and Ginny Cantrell
Burkina Faso

Prayer Focus for Tuesday, September 7, 2010: Vladimir and Kimberly Goodrum (Paraguay)

Vladimir and Kimberly Goodrum

Prayer Focus for Wednesday, September 8, 2010: Mark and Glenda Alphin (Finland)

                                                                    Mark and Glenda Alphin

Prayer Focus for Thursday, September 9, 2010: James and Elizabeth Corbin (Bangladesh)

James and Elizabeth Corbin

Prayer Focus for Friday, September 10, 2010: Radovan and Tanya Hajduk (Croatia / Slovenia)

                                                             Radovan and Tanya Hajduk

Prayer Focus for Saturday, September 11, 2010: John and Susan Beek (United Kingdom)

John and Susan Beek
     United Kingdom

Prayer Focus for Sunday, September 12, 2010: Aslam and Toy Malik (Pakistan)

                                                                      Aslam and Toy Malik

Our missionaries need, desire and appreciate your prayer

"...the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support.

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