Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, October 24, 2010

~Fueling the 'Fire' in the Mission Field


Fueling the ‘Fire’ in the Mission Field

The fires of revival and evangelism are burning bright in many countries on every continent (except Antarctica) around the world. Committed missionary families - men, women, and children - are busy ministering to the needs of people everywhere and preaching this precious, powerful gospel to everyone who will hear.

To keep the fires burning bright and with greater intensity than at any time in recent history, we must continue adding fuel as never before. A fire will go out when all fuel feeding it has been consumed. When all resources are gone, the fire burns out. We must never allow the resources needed by missionaries to dry up and be depleted. Our missionaries depend on usthe church on the home front - to continue supplying the necessary resources which allow them to continue fueling the fires burning in the countries of the world.

The more intense the fire burns, the greater the light will shine to expose the darkness and evil of our day. That light will lead men and women everywhere to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and illuminate the truth that ‘…he whom the Son hath set free, is free indeed.’

As the fire's intensity increases, more work will be accomplished and more souls will be delivered from this world's bondage and sin’s grip. As a result, people come to know His great love, kindness, and mercy.

Our earnest prayers are desired by the missionary more than any other thing. We must pray for their safety, protection, strength as they ‘Speak to the Nations’ about being free. We must pray that God will empower and embolden them by the Holy Ghost as they labor together with God to fulfill their calling. Of course, without our monetary support they would not be able to remain and carry on the work of God.

Can we hear the voice of God speaking to us about sacrifice? Sacrifice is exactly what the word itself implies – sacrifice. It is not giving from our abundance but rather giving that which implies a real genuine sacrifice has been made. We must, and we shall, be diligent in continuing to pray and give sacrificially to supply the resources necessary for the missionary to keep fueling the fire.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say without a doubt this year’s Stewardship Missions Conference was the best one. My faith has been lifted, my spirit has been rejuvenated, and I have received personal direction from the Lord. God bless the Missionaries.

    Bro. Raymond Espinoza
