Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

~Report on Mission's Service GC2010 in Houston, TX

General Conference Foreign Missions Service
2010, Houston, Texas

As a former MK, my favorite time at General Conference has always been the Foreign Missionary service. This year was no exception. Our overseas heroes of the faith moved into the convention arena waving the colors of the nations of the world. The worship was exceptional. The presence of the Lord invaded the hall with such a precious, divine overshadowing.

Special honor was made to those who had sacrificially given throughout the year. An offering of over $500,000 was given to missions that night. Many of our missionary families received added financial partners, subtracting months of travel, allowing them to immediately be sent back to the land of their calling.

The highlight of the evening was the anointed preaching of Bro. Wayne Huntley of Raleigh, North Carolina. He passionately challenged the United Pentecostal Church International to lay aside our “lust for stuff” and “need for greed” and throw ourselves into complete surrender to the Kingdom. The next great revelation before the next great worldwide revival will be sacrificial giving. Giving of our talent, time and treasure. Giving without expecting anything in return. Giving just because it is the nature of God.

His message was interrupted by a spirit of sacrifice that swept over the audience as hundreds moved to the front to empty their wallets and purses and lay it before the Lord. Another $50,000 was given within a matter of moments to the cause of world missions. Before Bro. Huntley could finish preaching, a spirit of travail and intercession moved heavily over God’s people as they wept and committed themselves afresh to God’s purpose.

I returned to our local church with a renewed desire to realign our financial emphasis to God’s divine purpose. This is our finest hour, and one which we must make count for the Kingdom before it is eternally too late!

Pastor Clayton Brown
Napa, CA

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