Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Sunday, November 28, 2010

~Finland - the Alphin family will be there soon!



As some may remember from our Finland presentation, our family's journey into missions began nearly 10 years ago. Our AIM term, served under Mark and Robin Shutes in Estonia, covered the period from 2005 through 2006, and a full missions appointment was granted in the fall of 2007. In March 2008, our family's first deputation stop was at Pastor Dewayne Kirk's parsonage in the city of Corinth, Mississippi, and in October 2010, Mark completed our last destination with Pastor Don Demyan in Exeter, California.

As many know, we have been waiting on our residence permits since the applications were submitted on June 30, 2010, in New York City, NY at the Finnish Consulate there. Originally, we were told that the process would last just about six weeks. However, those 45-55 days stretched into 90, and we continued to wait. Honestly, we never thought we would spend the 2010 holiday season in the USA. However, we understand the value of waiting on God's timing. So, what about those permits? Well...

Four Permits and a Wedding

One of the upcoming events in fall 2010 was the wedding of our goddaughter, Alyssa, to a wonderful young man in our church, J.C. Branham. While we dearly love them both, we were ready to put God's will before our attendance at the nuptials if need be. However, God knew how important our attendance was to both of them. During one of his prayer times, J.C. was telling God that they really wanted us at their wedding and God told him that they'd have to marry in November (unknown to us until recently). The wedding date was set and the days ticked by. On November 20, we were honored to be a part of their ceremony and watched as Alyssa and J.C. exchanged their vows.
 At the reception, J.C. pointedly told Glenda that we would be "free to go to Finland on Monday." She laughed and said, "Yes, right!", knowing that God would do it in His good time. Then, on Monday, November 22, an email was received from the Finnish Consulate telling us that our residence permits were ready, and on November 23, Glenda's dad had the pleasure of opening the package, calling us in Arkansas, and sharing the news that all four permits had been granted. However, the fun doesn't end there! The approval date on our permits is November 11, 2010-the date of our 21st wedding anniversary (and day 133 of our wait). Talk about an anniversary present... wow! Our outbound interview with Foreign Missions is scheduled for December 7, and we are hoping for a departure before year-end in order to celebrate 2011 in the land of our calling. This would also give Robert K. Rodenbush, EME Regional Director, the opportunity to celebrate "a new country with a resident missionary" prior to his retirement on December 31, 2010.

When God does it, He does it right, and we couldn't be more thrilled! Thank you to everyone who has supported us by becoming a part of TEAM FINLAND through either prayer or finance. When next we write, we will be on Finnish soil in Helsinki, Finland!

May God richly bless your holiday season!

"Faithful is He who called you, who also will do it." (1Th 5:24, MKJV)

The Alphin family
November 2010

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