Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

~Name the Airline

How well do you know the Airlines?
For those of you who travel a lot this should be a breeze, others maybe not so easy! Give it a try and see how well you do from memory before using the internet or asking someone nearby.
From the column on the left choose a word or words (there are forty) and complete the column on the right. This is not a test and you receive no reward. It is just for fun. If you would like to reply and let me know how well you did if would be appreciated. 
1. Sin
1. ______gap___ Airlines
2. Air _an_____________
3. Jam
3. Air ____a___________
4. Port
4. Air Jam_____________
5. Shine
5. Air ____u___________
6. And
6. Air ___shine_________
7. Front
7. Air ___ ____and_____
8. North
8. Air  __dia__________
9. South
9. Air  F___ce_________
10. Jet
10. __________kok Airways
11. Air
11. ________ental__ Airlines
12. Gap
12. _________Pacific Airlines
13. Malt
13. ____________tier Airlines
14. Gal
14. In_____________ence Air
15. New
15. ___________west Airlines
16. Bang
16. Sky____________Airlines
17. In
17. ___________west Airlines
18. West
18. Jet _____ _______Airlines
19. Ask
19. Al___a_________ Airlines
20. Ore
20.  ____________can Airlines
21. Sun
21. ______romex____ Airlines
22. Zeal
22. Br__________ish Airways

23. Sky
24. Depend
25. Continent
26. Blue
27. Romex
28. Way
29. Tin
30. Con
31. Tier
32. Tug
33. Line
34. It
35. Is
36. Way
37. Ran38. Franc
39. Cat
40. Hay


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