Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, November 6, 2010

~A Report from Costa Rica by Bro. Schwarz

*This report was copied and pasted form Bro. Schwarz's e-mail (Italics, Bold and font color were added by me)

Bro. Powell,

Thanks for posting the prayer request for Costa Rica. Today is looking better, but we really need sunshine. We were hit really hard with rain. There are 23 confirmed dead several still missing,roads and bridges washed out, any number of mudslides, over 3000 in shelters, many homes destroyed. We have reports of several pastors and members that are isolated and now they face food shortage. One pastor called me yesterday and said that the store had a few bags of rice but not much of anything else. Some members have suffered property loss but so far we know of no damage to church buildings. This is a severe blow to the country as the economic amount will be huge. All crops that are planted or ready for harvest are damaged. Recovery will be slow but lets pray that in this difficult time that people will turn to God. Lets pray that the church can lift Jesus high in this time so that the ones who feel hopeless can find hope in Him. All things even the difficult and bad things can be turned around so that our God will shine through us. Thanks for all you do for us missionaries.

May God recompense you for all you do,

David Schwarz

P.S. All the missionarys and AIMers are safe.

Thank you for praying! Please continue to PRAY for Costa Rica and Haiti as they deal with the effects of natural disasters. There are and will continue to be many needs for sometime until things are back in order. If you are led of God in any way to help please contact Compassion Services at UPCI.org. Click on the following link: http://www.compassionservices.com/

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