Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, December 11, 2010

~10 Commandments for Great Ideas

**Note! A few day ago I read a post from the following site: http://williamtingcl.blogspot.com/. It was called "10 Commandments For Big Ideas." I changed it to '10 Commandments for Great Ideas' and made a few changes and would like to share the results with you.  Here they are:

     1. Be passionate about your vision and ideas.

     2. Let excellence and quality differentiate your service.

     3. Select with care the name of your church or ministry.

     4. Believe in yourself but more in God whom you serve.

     5. Step out...way out of your comfort zone.

     6. Remember...the ‘devil is in the details.’

     7. Experiment and listen to your staff and leaders.

     8. Choose the right people for your team.

     9. Value and appreciate your staff and leaders.

   10. Persistence pays off and wins the race.

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