Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, December 23, 2010

~An Open Letter from Missionary Mark Shutes

AIMers needed in Europe

 Dear Local Missions Director, Pastor, DFMD or Youth President,

Greetings in the precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

In the summer of 2011, thirty AIMers will arrive in the country of Latvia to reach 150 people for the Lord. We will launch the headquarters church for this newly-opened country. This same scenario will take place in three other countries as well. One is already complete, and we are currently filling the slots for the other countries.

The Baltic and Finnish Missionary and AIM Team wish to extend an invitation to your young people to come to Finland, Latvia or Lithuania for three months during the summer of 2011.

At the beginning, we will have two weeks of training and will challenge a team of two to reach ten different people. Every Wednesday we will meet for accountability and training. Every Sunday we will assemble together. After two months we will sponsor a crusade from which we will establish new House Churches.

Training begins June 6, 2011. AIMers need to arrive on location by June 2, and depart no later than August 29, 2011.

We ask you to send experienced and dedicated young people. They need to have personally won at least one person to the Lord and established them in the church.

After choosing a young person and reviewing the plan with them, help them fill out the AIM application which is downloadable from the AIM web site www.fmdaim.com. When FMD processes the application, a copy will be sent to me for my review and invitation. Once the recommendations are gathered and the file complete and approved by FMD, I will contact each one with further information and instructions.

Thank you so much for your vision and burden for Missions around the world.

 Sincerely yours,

Missionary Mark & Robin Shutes

Cell: (810) 282-8209

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