Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, January 20, 2011

~Bihar, India Crusade Report/James Corbin family

January 21, 2011

Dear Partners-in-Missions,

Praise the Lord!

We greet you in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ and pray that this email finds you blessed of the Lord! The Lord has been so very good to our family and the work of the Lord in Bangladesh and India and we are blessed!

The Lord moved in a mighty way during the Bihar, India Crusade and the following is a report of how the crusade went;

On January 13, 2011 I was blessed to be able to fly from Dhaka, Bangladesh to Kolkata, India and meet up with the ministry there. After a quick nights rest and a three hour delay of our morning flight Rev. Daniel Darlong and I finally arrived in the town of Patna, Bihar, India. We were graciously received by two of our brothers there and then traveled to the hotel for rest, fellowship and refreshing.

On January 15, 2011, we took a 45 minute drive out to a town in the countryside, crossing over the river Ganges, where the crusade would be held. People began to arrive from all over the immediate areas and for this first day of services it is estimated that at least 400 people were present. The Lord moved on me to preach on the miracle working power of the name of Jesus Christ. As the Lord began to move in and during the preaching of HIS Word, faith began to increase in the hearts of the believers and those who were so desperately in need of a miracle from the Lord! As soon as the call was given to come forward for healing and a miracle from the Lord and as the Ministry TEAM began to lay hands on the sick and pray in Jesus name, the Lord began to move in a great and mighty way! After a short time of praying for the sick people began to testify about receiving their healing from the Lord. 66 people raised their hands testifying that the Lord had healed their bodies in Jesus name. Towards the close of this crusade service I asked those in attendance to bring those who were sick and afflicted to the next day’s crusade service and that the Lord would heal, deliver and fill them with His Holy Spirit. During the afternoon service there was a special baptismal service in Jesus name.

On January 16, 2011, we took the 45 minute drive to the crusade grounds again with great and high expectations from the Lord!
He will never fail us and He said in His Word “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:14) Over 500 people filled the church building where we were conducting this crusade and the Lord began to move in a mighty way! As the anointed Praise & Worship TEAM from the Kolkata UPC church pastored by Rev. Daniel Darlong led us forward into the presence of the Lord, the Holy Ghost began to touch the hearts of hundreds present. After preaching the Word of the Lord, I felt led of the Lord to lead the whole congregation on our needs into a session of prayer and repentance. As tears began to flow and hearts were broken in sorrow and repentance unto the Lord, hundreds began to lift their hands asking God to fill them with the Holy Ghost. Within 10-15 minutes 117 people were filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues. Glory to God!

During this crusade 24 were baptized in Jesus name, 117 were filled the Holy Ghost and many were healed in Jesus name. We give God all of the praise for the great works that He is doing in India through His church! We greatly appreciate the investments our wonderful partners-in-ministry have made into the kingdom of God both from India, Bangladesh and around the world. I would like to specially recognize the Kolkata UPC, Rev. Daniel Darlong and the Praise & Worship Team and all of the members of this church for their immediate and previous investments to help see the kingdom of God established and grow in this new field of labor. They have been supporting and helping the churches to get started by sending finances to the churches in Bihar for years now. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” (I Corinthians 15:58)

Since this is a relatively new field that is opening in this area of India, we recognize the need and hunger in the lives of those who are involved in the ministry there for more Ministerial Bible Training. We see this as an immediate need that needs to be met. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15) We are believing the Lord for the ability to conduct a Ministerial Training Seminar possibly during the month of May 2011. This will not only be a Ministerial Training Seminar but will be used as an outreach to other non-Oneness pastors of this state to attend. We have seen many Trinitarian pastors baptized in Jesus name here in Bangladesh through the attending of a seminar or ministerial training and this Ministerial Training Seminar would be no less. Please join with us in prayer for this special need in Jesus name.

We greatly appreciate each and every one of your prayers for the millions (now over 1.1 billion) of souls in India. Thank you for giving, praying and believing God for souls in India, Bangladesh and Asia.

May God richly bless you,

The James Corbin family

(UPC of Bangladesh)

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