Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, January 1, 2011

~The Mark Alphin family on location in Finland


Happy New Year from Helsinki, Finland

New Year's Eve in Helsinki
 On location!

The preparation process is complete. Holidays were spent making memories with our families. Farewells were said - bittersweet moments, to be sure. And then, on December 29, the 'adventure of a lifetime' began when we boarded our first plane in Columbus, Ohio, and departed for Helsinki, Finland. We saw God's hand at work throughout the entire travel process: an incredible 'deal' on fare, the less-than-normal price charged for extra luggage, and our flights all departing and arriving mostly as scheduled (while we watched many others deal with long delays and cancellations). On December 30, we arrived in our new 'hometown' on time and safely with all luggage intact. God even supplied a taxi driver who was able to transport our family plus all luggage (11 suitcases and 8 carryons) to the hotel in one trip!

Thank you to those of you who have been supporting us through prayer and finance. We could not have gotten to this point without you, and are surely thankful that you are along with us in spirit as we begin this new phase of our journey.

If we could mention a prayer request, it would be that God would direct our steps over the next month while we work to locate permanent housing. He knows exactly what we need, and we are trusting Him to help us find it. And, as you pray for us, we will be praying for you.

May God bless you during 2011! We will be in touch soon.

Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace Alphin

Webcam view of Helsinki, Finland

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