Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, January 6, 2011

~Sailing the Seven C's of Character

As you consider your goals for 2011 I want to suggest a C voyage to work on your character.

No, you’re not too old and I don’t mean to imply you’re a bad person. Surely by now many of you have heard my mantra: You don’t have to be sick to get better. Besides, we all know it's a lot easier to make a good person better than to make a bad person good.

Remember, the struggle to be a person of character takes place on the level of daily choices at home and at work. People of exceptional character stand out from the crowd because they develop the discernment and moral strength to know and do the right thing in circumstances that might overwhelm or confuse others.

Here are the Seven C’s of Character: Conscience, Caring, Consideration, Confidence, Competence, Control, and Courage.

1st: Nurture and honor your personal Conscience. This is a precious internal moral compass that helps you maintain your integrity.

2nd: Show people you Care; demonstrate a genuine unselfish concern for the well-being of others, be empathetic, charitable, and above all, kind.

3rd: Be Considerate; think about the way your actions will affect others, and know that you are responsible for the consequences of all you say and do.

4th: Be Confident that you are good enough, valuable enough, and strong enough to withstand potential consequences of principled conduct, including the loss of money, jobs, and even friends.

5th: Develop moral Competence; learn to make and implement good decisions that are ethical and effective and get the best possible result out of every choice.

6th: Control your emotions; distinguish between what you want and what you need; beware of impulses and urges that can cause you to compromise ethical principles; don't settle for pleasure, go for happiness.

7th: Have the Courage to do the right thing even if it might cost more than you want to pay.

Every one of these elements can be a challenge on any particular day. The point, and I hope your goal for 2011, is to self-consciously sail these Seven C's because CHARACTER COUNTS.

by Michael Josephson - http://www.charactercounts.org/

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Michael's commentary! We started posting audio of his commentaries on a new youtube channel - www.youtube.com/josephsoninstitute.

    If you end up posting any future commentaries, let Michael know via twitter at www.twitter.com/josephson0, so he can pass it along to his followers.

    Michael also just started a blog on Business Ethics Training which you may find interesting.


