Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, January 31, 2011

~Uganda General Conference Report Jan. 27th -30th, 2011

Dear Partners and Friends,

We greet you from beautiful Uganda, the "Pearl of Africa"

General Conference 2011 just finished yesterday, and what a conference!

We want to Thank God for all his Blessings and those who made the Conference such a success.

There were many difficulties to try and bring confusion; such as; no electricity, losing city water, crowded conditions and many other minor situations, BUT through it all, there were just minor complaints and even then, they apologized and said they enjoyed the conference very much.

We want to THANK our General Superintendent David Benard for coming all the way to Uganda. He suffered through the loss of his luggage, going without water, without hot water (as our water line broke in our house and flooded some rooms) but through it ALL (all the choirs and singing / worship), he did such a great job of teaching and preaching to bring the Church to a greater place of maturity and a mighty move of the deep spiritual things of God. We were also privileged to have Bro and Sis Crumpacker (Kenya & East Africa AC) with us and Bro and Sis Johnson (Rwanda) who visited on Saturday night.

General Conference is a meeting of our Pastors and Leaders, (it is not an evangelistic outreach to the community); there were 68 people filled with the Holy Ghost, 22 baptized in Jesus Name, including nine Trinitarian pastors. There were six pastors who were restored to the UACU and 502 registered leaders.

I am continually amazed and in awe of the moving of the Holy Ghost in the Church. I see such great things happening. Men, who have struggled to stand on the Doctrine, become strong and fearless. Men who have been tempted to seek for worldly prosperity dedicate their lives in a mighty ways. The Church is maturing and being sensitive to the moving of the Lord.

Pastors from all parts of Uganda came; from the West Nile, far to the north; from Juba, Sudan, from Kisoro at the corner of Rwanda and Congo in the southwest; from Karamajong, far to the Northeast, from Kenya, from MT. Elgon and Lake Victoria and Congo Borders. It was a moving spiritual time of Unity and Maturity for the Church. Lira Church brought three Choirs, their Sunday School Choir, their Youth Choir and their Ladies Choir. The Rwenzori Region brought three choirs; the Regional Youth, the Top Hill Kassekere Choir and the Karonga Choir. Mt. Elgon brought their choir, for the first time. Lake Victoria brought their choir, West Nile, Kasese and Kisoro brought their Choirs. Truly it was a “Celebration” of mighty worship in the Lord! You might not know, but each one of these Choirs sang in their own languages. From English, Swahili, Luganda and too many tribal languages to mention.

I am thankful that nine new pastors where baptized in Jesus Name. They have applied for license and are joining the UACU. Several more were willing to be baptized, but wanted to inform their leaders in their old organization that they are resigning their churches and joining the UACU and starting new churches in the Oneness Doctrine.

The United Apostolic Church of Uganda is continuing to grow and experience a great move of God. Through the Pastoral Survey and the reports of the Presbyters (for those churches who were not in attendance) 4,427 received the Holy Ghost in 2010 and 4,130 where baptized in Jesus Name.

Philip and Twyla Tolstad, Uganda


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