Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, February 3, 2011

~Barcelona Commentary - Revival Report...2010 in Review

Barcelona Commentary   
Rev. & Mrs. Nathan A. Harrod    
Missionaries to Spain                                  
United Pentecostal Church International

Revival Report... 2010 in Review

Year of Growth Throughout Spain

2010 was another exciting year of revival throughout the country of Spain. What God has done in the last few years in this nation has been amazing.

We're excited to report that Spain now has 41 churches or preaching points with 4739 constituents. In 2010 we saw:

582 filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and

537 were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Revival is here in Europe!

New Church Planted in Tarragona

The first to receive the Holy Ghost in Tarragona

This past year the Lord helped us to plant a new church in the city of Tarragona. After many weeks of home Bible studies we had our first service in December, in that service we had our first to receive the Holy Ghost in this city. We have now installed a new Pastor in that city and the church is beginning to grow and has baptized several people in this New Year.

Los Pentecostales De Barcelona

In the church that we Pastor in Barcelona we were blessed to have 72 receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for the first time and baptized 40 in the name of Jesus this past year. With an attendance of over 300 on Sundays we believe God will be opening the doors for us to obtain a larger building to accommodate the continued growth that God is giving. During the month of January 2011, we have had 15 to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost!

Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!

God Bless,

Nathan, Tanya, and Alaina Harrod

1 comment:

  1. Awesome report on what God is doing in Spain! We are praying for the Harrods and their work in the kingdom!

    Kevin Hopper
