Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, February 25, 2011

~Finland On Fire - Finland's Intercessor Team - Feb. 25th, 2011

Finland's Intercessor Team                  
Prayer Focus                                                                        
The Mark Alphin Family-UPCI Missionaries, FINLAND            

God is on the Move!

It has been some time since we have sent a prayer update. However, we knew that many were already praying about our residence situation, so we decided to wait until we had something new upon which to focus unified prayer.

Since our arrival in Helsinki, we have felt the hand of God orchestrating every situation in our lives. While not all has happened as we would have preferred, we can look back and see God's wisdom and leading in each circumstance. We have made friends in such unusual ways that it could only be of God!

Juhani had begun seeking the Lord on his own. Through personal study - and the assistance of an Apostolic in a Internet chat room - he received a revelation of baptism according to Acts 2:38. Never underestimate the power of your words! Bro. Smith of North Carolina spoke "life" and planted seed in Juhani's mind and spirit that was cultivated by God. On February 19, 2011, Mark had the privilege of baptizing Juhani in the precious name of Jesus Christ, and we look forward to the day when he will receive the precious gift of God's Holy Spirit!

Juhani is the first Finn to be baptized under our ministry, and that will always be a special memory for us. The circumstances surrounding his conversion confirm that we are working in tandem with God to see His vision for Finland come to pass. God is speaking to us daily during prayer and letting us know that He is in control. Continue to pray - God has said that a "breaking in the Spirit" will happen soon, that something great will arise within this country.

We are thankful for your prevailing prayers - they are working!


Our Testimonies

We have often sought God's direction regarding where we should "plant" our family. The search was mightily difficult, as the housing market in the Helsinki area does not necessarily cater to families. During the weekend prior to signing the contract for our home, we rode the train to the neighborhood and did a prayer-walk, asking the Lord for His will. He spoke and told us that He was making a place for us in the community of Kerava, about 30 kilometers north of Helsinki center. We are grateful, for what He has provided fits our family perfectly and enables us to perform the ministry that we are here to do.

We have already made friends in the Helsinki area, enabling us to show God's love while having relationships that fill the "empty holes in our hearts" that exist due to absent stateside family and friends. He truly does all things well!


AIM couple for the city of Tampere

We will soon begin making regular trips to the city of Tampere. Currently, there are three contacts living there, and we expect this number to grow. Tampere is about three hours northwest of Kerava, and while we are willing to make this journey, we know that a constant leadership presence would be good. If God has ever spoken to you about missions work, we ask that you consider praying about helping us in Tampere, Finland. City of Tampere website

Prayer focus:

(1) That God would speak to someone; that their hearts would be ready and willing to listen - and accept - His calling

(2) Current contacts are both male and female, necessitating the need for a couple

(3) That AIM finances and arrangements could be fulfilled quickly and easily


Language Studies

We are working on study arrangements that will help us learn the Finnish language. While we understand that it is a difficult one to grasp, we also know that God is able to help us. We had been looking at the learning process with some dread. However, God has changed our mindset and we are now considering the task with great expectation and excitement.

Prayer focus: clarity of mind

(1) Prior to studies beginning, that we would grasp new "random" words quickly

(2) Once studies begin, that we would easily remember everything learned


"Community Presence"

We want to be a spiritual light in the community.

Prayer focus:

(1) Wisdom in how we approach people in shops, etc.

(2) Fruits of the Spirit to be evident in our lives - that people can tell we are "different," not just "Americans"

(3) Always ready with a kind word for those we meet - Finns are quiet and it is not normal for "random conversation" to occur. However, we are finding that God is enabling us to speak in such a way that they are immediately accepting of us. We need this trend to grow even more!


Healing for Nat Gourley

Bro. Nat Gourley is husband to Diana, secretary to Bryan Abernathy in the Foreign Missions Division. Last week, while eating dinner during a family visit in Tennessee, he suffered a heart attack; he has been hospitalized since that time. Bro. Gourley has already undergone one surgery but needs another. His situation is different than most, as while most have three main arteries, he only has two. The problem has been compounded in that he contracted pneumonia following the initial surgery. He remains in critical condition and needs a miracle. However, we all know a miracle-working God! We also ask that you pray for his wife, Diana, his children, and their families.

Prayer focus:

(1) Peace of God to cover all involved

(2) That the doctors would have wisdom to perform their tasks

(3) Strength to build in Nat Gourley

(4) God's will to be done: either clearing of pneumonia symptoms so that needed surgery can be performed, or a miraculous touch so that surgery is not needed

(Included with permission of Sis. Diana Gourley)

We appreciate your prayers for Finland, and we know that God does, too.

To our North American prayer partners: this morning during prayer, God gave Glenda a "mind's eye view" of the North American continent from one coast to the other. Intercessory prayers for a revival spirit to sweep over it went forth. God is doing a great work, and it is only going to grow and expand in the future. Prevail in prayer for your communities - God sees your tears and hears your cries. He will certainly respond!

"Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." (Psalm 126:5-6)

May you experience great blessing from the hand of the Almighty as you seek His face!

For Souls,
Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace

"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, He may give it you." (John 15:16)

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