Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, February 21, 2011

~News from Estonia - Nate and Ingunn Turner

Just yesterday an orphanage for handicapped children in Estonia burned down, killing 10, mostly wheelchair-bound children. (See Modesto Bee article: http://www.modbee.com/2011/02/20/1565183/report-10-children-killed-in-orphanage.html) With this weighing heavy on our hearts, we offer a way to help children in Estonia for UPCI churches. Below is the information explaining our project for remodeling our building, which will house a church, children's center for mostly underprivileged kids, and shelter for crisis pregnancies and homeless people. We will also use it for a Bible school and training center for northeastern Estonia.
Attached is a video of our new property!

We're praising God for property finally purchased for the work in Estonia. Our national minister, Vadim, is working hard to knock out walls, put up drywall, hang a drop ceiling, install ventilation ducts and replace the pipes and wiring from this soviet-era building. Just a few years ago he could have fixed things up with less effort, but now has to cooperate with western quality building codes that are part of Estonia's newer membership in the European Union. He has now used up the funding he and the church had been able to save and what we were able to raise on deputation and was considering using his credit card to pay the upcoming bill for the electricity and ventilation project when I visited him a week ago. I told him not to do that and that I would see if any churches in America might be able to help him finish the project. I will call him this week with any news I have. The remaining $11,180 is due on about April 10.

He is our only licensed minister in Estonia and last year baptized 27 in Jesus' name and prayed 23 through to the Holy Ghost. At this time he has about 135 people in 4 cities and villages attending weekly services. The people are poor and I was impressed with the funds that they'd been able to save, themselves.

 I've received permission from Foreign Missions to raise building funds from the field, and if there's anything you all can do to help, you can send it to Foreign Missions Division with the following designation: 103.FA.033215.21.2101.1.43696. If you decide to do something and it's not too much trouble, could you e-mail me to let me know what you decide? It would be a great encouragement to Vadim.

Blessings to you, and thanks for your consideration. We love you folks & appreciate you!

Nate & Ingunn Turner
Missionaries to the Republic of Estonia

If there is any way you can help support this worthy project please send your offering to Foreign Missions and reference the
above account number.

Thank you,
Jerry E. Powell/WD Foreign Mission's DepartmentNote! The Turners did not request this be posted on the Blog. I asked and received permission to post this information.

**A thought for your consideration - we teach and preach to the members of our churches to be faithful in their tithes and offerings even in difficult and lean financial times, encouraging them to believe and trust God to meet their needs, and we should knowing that the Lord is our provider. By the same token in setting the example we should keep our PIM and other financial commitments and obligations. The Missionaries are counting on YOU!

Thanks to all you pastors and churches who are faithful in your giving! Without YOU the missionaries would not be able to reach a lost world.

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