Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

~Thai-Gram - March 2011


Thai-Gram                     March 2011

Thai Conference 2011

More than one-hundred forty filled with the Holy Ghost, over one hundred touched by God's healing power and seventeen baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins! All praise and glory to the one true God.

To view a slide show of the Thai Conference go here and scroll to the right hand side near the bottom of page: Click HERE

USA Team and Bible School Graduates

                       Brother Bunthean Ministering in Song

Women's Choir from Bangkok

Jordan Simmons Preaching

In the Name of Jesus!

If you would like to learn a little about the history of the Bible School in Thailand, and read the absolutely inspiring testimony about how God called Brother and Sister Jack Coolbaugh to Thailand click HERE! You will be blessed reading this faith-building story. ALSO, the Bible School needs Partners in Missions! Click HERE to help support the Thai Bible School. Bible school graduates are pastoring churches, starting churches, serving in leadership positions, they are helping to bring about revival and evangelism in Thailand!

The population of Bangkok is larger than 160 countries in the world!

If you haven't already, please add edandmarysimmons@aol.com to your email's contacts/address book.

God bless each of you.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support,

Ed & Mary Simmons
Bangkok, Thailand

Ed & Mary Simmons
8855 Dunn Rd.
Hazelwood, MO 63042

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