Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, March 17, 2011

~Update on EARTHQUAKE Devastation in Japan - March 17th, 2011

**The following is a Special Report from Compassion Services International, a division of the Foreign Missions Department of the United Pentecostal Church International.

Thank You For Praying For Japan

Dear Prayer Warriors,

I just want to take a moment to thank you for your continued prayer support for Japan. Often in tragic events as Japan has suffered recently, we tend to become overwhelmed with the constant images and needs. Please do not become weary in praying for Japan with all their current needs. We are depending on your prayers. Enclosed in this update is some information from our Northern Region Director.

Praise Report and Prayer Request

Dear Brethren,

Praise the Lord!

I would like to share with you most recent updates for brethren and churches that got most affected by the earthquake.

Brother Okunushi, leader of Ibaragi church told me that they were able to return home this last Sunday, a few days after they had been evacuated to the public facility.

He got in touch with almost all the saints there and thankfully found that they were safe.

In Ibaragi, electricity is back, but water is not running and due to the shortage of gas, they can't use a car.

Aftershocks still continue, however, they are grateful that they have been protected by the Lord.

As for the hardest hit Sendai, I talked with Brother and Sister Kon today and they were saying that they feel prayers sustaining and comforting them.

They expressed heartfelt appreciation to all ministers caring and praying for them.

Kons' and other members of Sendai church are all safe. Praise God !

Sister Kon also expressed that the earthquake was really frightening and due to lack of water, they have not only been able to take a shower but also wash their face and brush the teeth.

In spite of little amount of food distributed, their health has been sustained. They will still need to spend the night in the evacuated school because of aftershocks.

We hear reports that food, water and heat are what they are desperate for in most affected areas.

As I am writing now, there was quite strong earthquake in Kanto, Tokyo area. M 6.0

There is a brother in Fukushima saying that they have been evacuated to the elementary school about 20 miles away from where there were nuclear plant disasters.( This is getting really serious, so please pray.)

He reported that there are 800-900 people in the school ,many elderly and quite a few babies.

It gets unbearably cold at night and with just one rice ball served per meal, it is very tough on people physically.

He requests prayers for those people that he is with.

We truly appreciate your prayers and kindness.

Please continue to pray for our churches and for Japan.

Northern regional director


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A Final Praise Report

Contact has been made with Bro. Kepler and his family and they are safe. Please continue to pray for them and their family.

Edward Hosmer

Japan Network Of Prayer

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