Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, April 11, 2011

~Georgia Harvest Newsletter - April 2011


Remodeling the "Upper Room”:

This month we are working on a number of things to get ready for revival in Tbilisi. The first thing we are doing is preparing for the influx of souls. The only meeting place we have is a small office that I like to call the upper room. (pictured above is Pastor James Simpkins from Living Hope Church in Maryland and Pastor Kote Rizhamadze in the Upper room.)

We may not have much but the Bible tells us to be good stewards with what we have. We are going to tear down some walls. (literally) to repair the damage an earthquake did in 2000.

We have also purchased music equipment for the church to use.

I want to say a special thanks to all of our field account supporters. It is your support that has made this possible. I intend to keep the pictures coming as we fix up the office. Keep us in your prayers as we are in desperate need of a larger facility but can not afford anything right now.

Remodeling the structure:

After sitting down with the leaders of the Church in Tbilisi it was apparent to us that in order to grow we needed to be better organized for a harvest to occur. God had given me a plan while on deputation in the states but it was also apparent that the Georgian Church was not quite ready for this. After much prayer, God allowed a revision while building the faith of the people so that they would be able to grasp the full vision in the future. With that in mind we started three house churches in three separate areas of Tbilisi. With two leaders in each group, these leaders will grow the churches to capacity of the house and then begin another group in a new location. This structure will allow us to grow outside the boundaries of our current limitations.

Our Prayer Needs: 

1. Vision for our leaders
2. Continued direction
3. Facilities for Children’s Church
4. A spirit of worship
5. Excitement in the church
6. Freedom of the Holy Ghost
7. Pastor Gia and Maia
8. Binding of false doctrine
9. Continued safety

Our Website

http://www.upcge.org/. I will be posting podcast periodically that you can subscribe to. The aim is to keep you up to date with the happenings in Georgia, and allow you to see some of the things we are doing.


Having another new baby in the house has been fun. I have realized that since we are in a foreign land I pay much more attention to her growth. When her umbilical cord fell off I was worried it seemed to soon. How to fix the diaper rash on her bum when you don't know how to ask for creme, and how fast she is growing. It is really quite a remarkable thing the growth of a baby. Do you realize that in three years a child will learn a new language, how to crawl, walk, eat, and pretty much most of the things they will need for their new life. Wow that is quite incredible. The greatest part is that they are just beginning to learn, and they are having fun doing it.

That is exactly how we are when we come to God. In the first few months and years we learn most of what we need for this new life we are living. And we should never stop the learning process. The moment we reach a place where we “know it all” is the moment we become a spiritual “handicap."

Moving to a foreign country will teach you exactly how much you don't know. It will also give you new perspective on the world around you. I love moving into the new Kingdom of God, and learning new things from the guide book and then being able to experience them for myself.

Pray that Georgia might catch the vision.

The Staten Family

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