Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, April 16, 2011

~Suriname News Flash - March 2011 from the Phillip Rhoads family


Here we are already through the first quarter of 2011. Where has the time gone?

During March one inactive ministed was reinstated and one transferred from the United Pentecostal Church of Guyana. One of these has started a new congregation in the Saramacca District. Thank God for more workers!

Below are a few other events from March.

March 4

Traveled to Nieuw Nickerie, in western Suriname, to check on building for congregation there. Visited offices of notary, appraiser and surveyor.

March 6

Newly active minister preached in Paramaribo. One person received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

March 8

One person baptized.

March 9

Three Open Door Groups restarted in Paramaribo.

March 11

Service at one of the prisons of Suriname.

March 13

Monthly leadership meeting for capital city church.

March 18 & 19

Western Region Men's fellowship.

March 20

Preached at new congregation in Tiger Creek, Saramacca District.

March 26 & 27

Central Region Men's Retreat.

March 27

Bible study at central prison, with nineteen students studying Essentail Doctrines of the Bible.

Thank you for helping make these things possible.

The Rhoads Family
Missionaries to Suriname

**Follow us on Twitter at username PhillipRhoads.

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