Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, May 13, 2011

~UGANDA - The Pearl of Africa/1st Quarter Newsletter

Philip and Twyla Tolstad

Missionaries to UGANDA - “The Pearl of Africa

First Quarter Newsletter - United Pentecostal Church International

8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, MO 63042

General Conference 2011, there were 68 people filled with the Holy Ghost, 22 baptized in Jesus Name, including nine pastors. There were six pastors who were restored to the UACU and 502 registered Pastors and Elders in attendance.

The move of God was powerful as God’s Truth was taught. Many were moved to be restored and healed.

Pastors came from all corners of Uganda, from the West Nile far to the north, From Juba, Sudan, from Kisoro at the corner of Rwanda and Congo, from Karamajong, far to the North East, from Kenya, from Mt. Elgon, Lake Victoria and Congo Borders. It was a moving spiritual time of Unity and Maturity for the Church. Truly it was a “Celebration” of mighty worship in the Lord! Choirs came from all the Regions to Worship and magnify the great works of God in many tribal languages as well as English, Swahili, French and Luganda.

General Conference 2011

I am thankful that nine new pastors where baptized in Jesus Name. They have applied for license and are joining the UACU.

The United Apostolic Church of Uganda is continuing to grow and experience a great move of God! There are now 598 Churches and Branches; over 11,000 received the Holy Ghost in 2010 and 9,860 were baptized in water in the Name of Jesus Christ. For this we give God the Glory!

Bro David Bernard, General Superintendent of the UPCI was our Guest Speaker. Bro Tolstad is presenting him a gift for blessing Uganda.

Robert Monzira presented his Valedictorian Bible College Degree by Area Coordinator Missionary James Crumpacker

Youth Choir from Lira, North Kyoga Region worshiping at General Conference

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