Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

~Update from Lesotho, SA - Missionaries David and Alice Kline


Greetings from the snowy Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho!

For the months of May & June the Pentecostals of Maseru Church had 19 people filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and 5 baptized in Jesus name! Thank You Jesus!

The GATS-L (Global Association of Theological Studies –Lesotho) has enrolled 14 new students for this term. We’re excited and the young people are enjoying the classes! Thank You Ladies Ministries for the generous giving to the training and development of future leaders & Pastors!

Throughout our churches in Lesotho, we are promoting personal Soul Winning & Home Bible studies. The Pentecostals of Maseru Church is having an attendance drive and our goal is have 250 people in church for October. Please help us to pray for the harvest of Souls!

A testimony: Little Justina, (14) has taught over 500 bible studies to her class assembly at her school. She has also won her Mom, aunt, 2 brothers (both feel a call to the ministry) and grandmother to the Lord. Praise the Lord for young people that are answering the call to reach lost souls!

In May, we were privileged to attend the South / Central Africa Sub regional meeting near Johannesburg, South Africa. Rev. David Wright from Maryland, USA, was the special guest speaker. He did a tremendous job and the Lord richly blessed us with his ministry.

Upon returning to our home after the Sub regional meeting, we found that our water pipes had busted due to the freezing cold weather. For the first time we saw the toilet water freeze!

Thank you for all the prayers and support!

Yours for Souls,

David A. Kline,
Lesotho, Africa

Justina in red coat, Ma’Susan, Ma’ Gogo, Aunt & brothers

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