Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

~Suriname News Flash - July 2011


July 2011

July was a blessed month for the United Pentecostal Church of Suriname. Here are a few highlights.

Christien, Poonia, Meena, Silvy, Quincy and Bernet were baptized during July. In this group were:
  • A thirteen-year-old girl and her seventy-two-year-old great-grandmother.
  • A cancer patient who was taken from the hospital, baptized, then returned to the hospital.
  • A seventy-one-year-old lady.
  • A young man who was brought to an Open Door Group by a friend, who was also recently baptized.
  • A young husband and father.
Special Guest in Suriname

The UPC of Suriname enjoyed a visit from Brother George Craft, regional training and evangelism missionary to Europe/Middle East. Brother Craft was a great blessing as he ministered in:

  • The congregation at Nieuw Nickerie.
  • The congregation at Paramaribo.
  • A leadership seminar for ministers and their wives. (See pictures here: http://bit.ly/n4kbw6.)
  • A joint service for the Paramaribo and Tiger Creek congregations.
  • A meeting for leaders in the Paramaribo congregation.
Thanks, Brother Craft, for coming to Suriname!
Prison Ministry
Each month we have the opportunity to minister in the prisons of Suriname. In July a total of eighteen students attended Bible studies in two different locations.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the church in Suriname.

The Rhoads Family
Missionaries to Suriname

Follow us on Twitter at username PhillipRhoads

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