Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, September 30, 2011

~Impact ASIA - September 2011

By Xenn  

Something special is going on
in Alexandria, Louisiana!! Recently,
I returned from my second trip to
The Pentecostals of Alexandria to 
minister in special crusade
meetings for Asian (Chinese)
 people and my report is one of victory all the way!

Bro. and Sis. Marshall are a beautiful Asian couple who reside in
Alexandria, LA. They are originally from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and are
now on staff with The Pentecostal of Alexandria under the leadership of
Rev. Anthony Mangun. They hold the office of Evangelism and Prayer
Directors and they are doing a phenomenal job in winning and
keeping souls for the Kingdom of God!

Brother Mangun contacted me in August 2010 to come and assist Bro.
and Sis. Marshall in reaching a group of Chinese people whom they
made contact with in a local restaurant. These people had come to
Alexandria on a 4 month work and educational program for post-
graduates.When I reached Alexandria, I was soon greeted by a group
of more than 20 hungry youth. Bro. and Sis. Marshall were giving them
Bible studies and as a result, most of these students gave their lives to
Jesus and were baptized in Jesus name.

After a weekend of teaching,
preaching and fellowship,I am
thrilled to say that all 23 of these
precious souls received the gift
of the Holy Ghost. They have
since returned to China and are
making contact with our
connections there!

Again, this year, another group of
Chinese students came to
Alexandria for the 4 month program. Bro. and Sis. Marshall taught them
bible studies and 17 of these students were baptized in Jesus name. In
mid August, we held a crusade for this new group of Chinese students
and the whole group of 18 people received the Holy Ghost. WOW, this
is a 100% harvest. Glory to God!

It is amazing how our God works His plan out. This pattern is exactly
what we have been planning and praying for. With such a vast
population in China, it is a daunting endeavor to go and reach the
masses with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead, these precious
Chinese people have come to our shores, received the gospel, and have
now returned home to spread this treasure among their family and

Please pray with us for these new converts in Christ. Many are making
contact with our more seasoned saints in the underground churches,
however, the conditions for becoming rooted and grounded in apostolic
doctrine remain delicate due to religious oppression in China. Still, we
hold fast to the truth that, "With God, nothing shall be impossible." He
is more than able to keep that which we have committed unto Him
against that day.

The Pentecostal of Alexandria are planning to bring a team into China
next year. One of our priorities will be to gather these precious saints
together and minister to them and their families. They must not be
forgotten and left to their own. We will pray, we will encourage, we will
help to establish them. This is who we are - the family of Christ!


Find more information about Impact Asia at
Global Impact Ministries | xennseah@gmail.com | Modesto | CA | 95356

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