Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, October 1, 2011

~Barcelona Commentary - September 2011

Barcelona Commentary
Rev. and Mrs. Nathan A. Harrod
Missionaries to Spain
United Pentecostal Church International

Revival Report...
New Daughter Work Started
In the month of September we started another church in the Barcelona area. After many months of prayer and planning we had our first service in a hotel meeting room in the city of Cornellá. In our first service we had 16 visitors as a result of our outreach in the days prior to starting this work. God is doing a quick work and we have had an attendance of 20-25 since we started this past month. This is the 6th daughter work that God has allowed to come out of the church that we Pastor in Barcelona. We are working to see the work of God multipy in these last days! 
New Church
New Church Plant
57 Students Enrolled In Bible School In Barcelona
Training is one of the keys to planting more chuches in this nation. We are excited to have a record 57 students starting this semester in our Bible School in Barcelona. God has opened the doors for us to aquire new Bible school facilities right next to our local church where we will be working to train the next generation of ministry.
Bible School Class
Bible School Students
Revival Across Europe
We had the opportunity to be with the Matthew Tuttle family in The Netherlands and the Charles Robinette family in Austria this past Summer. It was exciting to see the revival that is happening in these countries and across Europe. This truly is a time of Harvest! Strongholds are coming down and revival is breaking forth!
Worship in Holland
family easterThank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain
in Jesus' name!  

God Bless,

Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod

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