Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, October 14, 2011

~Belize Missions Update - Sis. Amy Sawyer

Dear Prayer Partners,

How happy I am to say, "Greetings from Belize!" I was able to return to Belize on July 30, 2011. Thank you for making this possible! It was a long two years of being away from the people of Belize, but it was a joy to see so many of you and make so many new friends.

Two days after returning to Belize, I left for Guatemala to be in the Central American Seminar. This year was great for Belize as we had a total of 10 people present in the Seminar. It was an excellent Seminar as the Lord moved mightly and ministered to the over 2500 pastors, wives and MKs present.

My parents came and spent the month of August with me. It was during this time that we had their Farewell Service. It was quite an emotional service, but beautiful all the way through. We truly miss them in Belize and are thankful for the nearly 15 years of service they gave. While they were here, though, the Bible School had a special going away party for them. That was a very special evening as the students one by one began to express their love for Bro. & Sis. Sawyer.

Also, while my folks were here, we were able for the first time to be in service in our brand new church in Belmopan, the capital city of Belize. This was a long-time prayer of my Dad. To God be the Glory!

During the month of September we held our annual Children's Crusade in Belize City. What a great day we had! There were over 140 children present. Most of these kids are all first time visitors. Please help us pray that we can reach the kids of Belize.

During this month of October, I will be attending the annual GATS Bible School Teachers seminar along with our other teachers from Belize. Please pray for travel mercies for all of us.

We are planning new events and programs for the upcoming new year. We ask your prayers that all these things we have planned and all we do result in the salvation of souls in this beautiful little country.

Please know that I love you all and greatly appreciate your prayers for me and for the country of Belize.

Remember that I'm praying for you as well.


Amy M. Sawyer
Belize, Central America

Facebook: Belize Missions

Twitter: AmyMSawyer

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