Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Thursday, October 27, 2011

~W. H. Dean Bible School/Administration Bldg. - Additional Photos

Day Four

Ready to stir the mud
The mud...stirred and ready to use
I am ready...
A lot of drywall is up and ready for taping
Lights being installed
Looking up the stair and the second floor
The last 'big' wall being constructed
The sign says it all...

Thanks to the Louisiana District 'Men's Ministry' for all the construction projects they have been involved with on the Mission field. Your sacrifice and labor are much appreciated and they are very grateful for your service.

**Note! I sincerely apologize that I did not take any pictures today of the progress on this building...if you can believe this knowing that I had a camera in my pocket. But I was very busy and time slipped away and it didn't even dawn on me until the bus ride back to the hotel that I had no progress photos. 

More photos tomorrow! - Jerry E. Powell

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