Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

~William H. Dean Bible College/Administration Building, Nicaragua - Work Continues

-Day Two

Ready to work on Day Two
Walls will soon be up...
Securing the metal studs, progress continues...
And more progress
The 'Outhouse
It's coming together...
Lunch time
Dropped ceiling framework complete in Women's Dorm
Great progress today in the upstairs Administration area
Night has arrived and we are finished for the day
Bro. David Reynolds, thank you for your help. We will miss you!
Time for well deserved steak
Thank you Bro.Nix for taking good care of us...we appreciate
it very much

There is a great need for finances to complete this beautiful project. There are 69 doors and 36 windows that need to be purchased...if you would like to help by purchasing a door(s) or window(s) for $120.00 each please contact me by e-mail at jpowell1947@gmail.com and I will give you information as to how it can be done. This is an opportunityfor you to be a real blessing to the work of God in Nicaragua.

More photos tomorrow...


  1. Thanks again to Bro. Jerry Powell for all the help this past week. Couldn't have done all we did without you.

  2. Josh,
    It was a pleasure working with you and the entire TEAM of men from Louisiana. Teamwork gets the job done! I can't wait to do it again.
