Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

~Gary and Kristi Landaw - Trinidad, Tobago and Puerto Rico

"O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." Psalms 136:1

What a mighty God we serve!
Crusade 2011
In spite of a State of Emergency that was restricting the time we could have for the Crusade , 60 people received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Several healings were reported. The church in Trinidad really prayed and laboured to see this crusade take place. There were over 200 visitors during the three nights of meetings.

We are thankful for the ministry of Bro. Felix Crowder who ministered nightly.

Yes, we give thanks to God for his marvelous work!
Caribbean Conference 2011
gary, caribbean conference
When you live on an island you cannot drive to the nearest country to have fellowship. In fact is is very costly to travel from island to island so it is always a delight to get together with leaders and saints from all over the Caribbean each year. This years conference was held in Barbados and was hosted by Missionaries Bro. and Sis. Henry Ritchie and the pastors of Barbados. Bro. and Sis Hibbert, Bro, Lloyd Shirley and Bro M. Papp were the day speakers and Bro. Brian Abernathy ministered nighty. God spoke to all of us who attended.

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to have fellowship and for all the wonderful brethren throughout the Caribbean.
We also give thanks for the little room we are using in Santurce to begin a work in the Metro area. We visited a contact and on the first visit they asked us to have church services there. You have been praying with us for open doors. We are so thankful we serve a God who cares for lost humanity.

Thanks, thanks, thanks!

Gary and Kristi Landaw
Missionaries with the UPCI
Trinidad/Tobago and Puerto Rico 

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