Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, November 14, 2011

~The Lord of the Harvest/Plan for World Evangelism - #8

Move On:
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet” (Matthew 10:14).

To shake the dust off their feet was a Jewish custom. It was a visual to show the people that they had made the wrong choice. The opportunity to choose Christ may never be presented to them again. It let them know that the messenger was innocent of their blood. He had obeyed the Lord of the Harvest, fulfilled His task, and the results were in the hands of God and those that heard him. Shaking the dust off one’s feet was also symbolic to the preacher. It told him to keep moving and not to be discouraged.

It is easy to read this passage and the only thing that remains in our minds is the negative; to shake the dust off our feet and move on. But, look at the reverse impact of adhering to this master plan of evangelism. Through following its principles the gospel is taken to the whole world, the kingdom of God is expanded through evangelism, deepened through discipleship, new churches are planted in the most cost-effective manner, and souls are saved. These are all reasons for rejoicing and lifting one’s hands in praise, bending one’s knees in worship, and proclaiming God’s goodness. And that beats causing a little dust storm any day.

Jim Poitras, Director of Education/AIM for the UPCI Global Missions Department

*This is the last in a series of eight posts to complete the article

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