Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

~CSI Thanks YOU for your Generous Support


Thank You For A Wonderful 2011
It was once said, "Nobody can do everything, but every-
one can do something." Compassion Services Inter-
national together with your support was able to do some
great things in 2011. We want to thank you for your
sacrifice to help the hurting around the world. So many
people have given of their time, talents and finances
enabling humanitarian aid to be sent around the globe.
In 2011 your gifts have reached the people of Japan and
Myanmar and continued to help the people of Haiti as
they continue their rebuilding efforts. Most recently aid
was sent to earthquake victims in Turkey and to flood
victims in the Philippines. 2011 was a year when disaster
struck close to home as tornadoes ripped through
Alabama and Joplin, MO. Because so many of you gave,
CSI was able to send financial aid and supplies to many of
the families directly affected by these tragic events.

CSI continues because of your faithful support. The
words thank you cannot begin to convey how much CSI
appreciates every person who contributes their time,
talents, resources and finances to ensure that those in
greatest need receive the aid they so desperately need.

2012 promises to be an exciting time for CSI and we are
glad that you have partnered with us to reach out to a
world in need. As we continue to focus on helping the
hurting around the globe let us remember the words of
Winston Churchill, "We make a living by what we get, but
we make a life by what we give."                  
Rebuilding in Haiti
Food Distribution in Japan
Tornado Destruction in Alabama

Thank you again for your sacrificial giving and for helping us 
to fulfill Matthew 25:40 and James 1:27.

With Great Appreciation

Compassion Services International
3333-1 Rue Royale
St. Charles, MO 63301

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