Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

~Barcelona Commentary - March 2012

Please continue to PRAY for all our missionaries around 
the world.

Barcelona Commentary

Rev. & Mrs. Nathan A. Harrod 
Missionaries to Spain
United Pentecostal Church International
Revival Report...
New Church Plant
In the month of February we had our first services in the city of Manresa, a town about 40 miles outside of Barcelona. We had 12 in attendance in our first service and we are excited about what God is going to do in this new city. We're thankful to have the Nutt Family, Aimers with us in Spain that are helping to establish this new work.
A small view of a Sunday service in Barcelona

Sunday Worship 3/4/12
Sunday Worship 3/4/12
Visit from the Matthew Tuttle Family
The Matthew Tuttle family from The Netherlands came to Barcelona to minister in our church this past month. The church was tremendously blessed by them and there were 3 that received the baptism of the Holy Ghost that Sunday.
Rev. Matthew Tuttle
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support.

Together we are claiming Spain
in Jesus' name!

God Bless,

Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod

Family of 4
Harrod Family
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In August of 2012 we will be coming to the states for our scheduled deputation. If you are interested in having our family for a service please contact your Global Missions District Director. With your help we will be able to return to the field as quickly as possible. You can click on the link to see what districts we will be in.

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