Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Friday, March 30, 2012

~News Update from Gary and Kristi Landaw

Field News and Update 
from Gary and Kristi Landaw
Greetings to you today.

We wanted to touch base with you and let you know of what has been going on for the past few weeks.
Evangelism with TBC Missions team.

Bro. Gary Carter, Missions Dean of Texas Bible College brought a group of 27 people to Puerto Rico. They had practiced songs in Spanish so they sang in Spanish; evangelized on the streets; had 3 street meetings and preached in 6 churches as well as painted the inside of a church. From their special services we have had new people in the new work we are beginning. We thank God for the sacrifice of this wonderful group.

Puerto Rico Ministerial Conference with new Regional Director for CAC Region.

Bro.  David and Sis. Yonda Schwarz blessed the Ministeral Conference with their preachings and teachings. During this conference Bro. Alfredo Lopez was re-elected as Superintendent of the work. (Photo of the Lopez and Schwarz family).
Please continue to pray that strongholds will be broken in the San Juan Metroplex. Also pray that God leads us to key people. We need wisdom to know how to reach the masses of people in this area.
Again, thank you for being there for us. You are an integral part of the work in Puerto Rico and Trinidad.

Gary and Kristi Landaw

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