Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

~Motivation - Educate, Train, Mentor/Coach, Vision and Motivate


Leaders respect and value the differences in others. In times of uncertainty, you accept that your available human resources are your only sustainable competitive advantage. When the people you lead don't perform at acceptable levels, you must sometimes exert your influence. Sometimes you don't have authority to make them perform better. In those situations, you must often accept whatever they give you or try to find ways to influence or inspire them to improve their performanceThere are five primary reasons people underperformUnderstanding the reasons behind non-performance is the first step to using your abilities to influence others effectively and without resorting to manipulation.


I don't know what to do...

Solution: Educate — If people don't know what to do, you can get them what they need to get past this obstacle. Show people what they need to do by building a strong foundation for their performance during new team member orientation and the on-boarding process or later during education and development opportunities. Unless people clearly understand what they need to dothey will make mistakes or allocate their time to the tasks inappropriately.


I don't know how to do it...

Solution: Train — When they don't know howyou can get them the practice and skills they need to begin to perform better.Training is the answerTake people through the step-by-step process of performing tasks and explain how the correct execution of those steps creates success for them and the team or organization.


I don't believe I can...

Solution: Coach (Mentor) — This area reflects your confidence in their ability to performIt is important to show them that the job can be done and that they can do itCoaching is not just a matter of cheering your team members onbut of helping them see why they have been selected to perform the task or why they have been appointed to the teamInstill in them a belief in themselves and the confidence to use past successes as a stepping-stone to future opportunities.


I don't know why...

Solution: Vision — When other people don't see the reason behind your directionsyou need to get their support to move forwardThis is often a trust issue.  A senior leader's vision for the team or organization is a good start, but team members also need to know how they fit into that vision and why their team or organizational processes are critical to accomplishing the vision.


I don't want to...

Solution: Motivate — This is the most challenging reason people underperform — when people know what to do and how to do it, but they are not motivated enough to do it or they feel they have a better way. Sometimes people even try to sabotage the process to slow down changes. In this situation, you must use your influence to get resultsMotivation is the keyIf people know what to do, how to do it, believe they can do it, and know why they should do it, non-performance must be due to some other barrier that may not be immediately discernable. Look at how the team or organization is inspiring its membersAre they being kept busy without knowing how their activities relate to the team or organization's mission or visionInspired team members have the internal desire to achieve the vision

- from the Carnegie Blog

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