Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, May 12, 2012

~News from Finland - the Mark Alphin Family

The Mark Alphin Family
News update & prayer focus - May 2012

First Finn Receives Holy Spirit

God has filled a Finn with the Holy Spirit - the first since our arrival in Finland!

In April, Pastor Adrian Smith (Stockholm, Sweden) told us of a young lady, that they had met, who lived in the Helsinki area. We will exclude the background and get straight to the point (smile). On May 6, we were blessed to have this sweet young woman receive the Holy Spirit during our house group meeting! God completely overwhelmed her while Mark was sharing the Word of God, even astounding us by the way that He showed Himself! It was absolutely amazing to watch as the Lord gave her a very distinctive experience, bathing her fully with His Presence. After she finished speaking in tongues, and we had talked together for a few minutes, she said, "I want more!"

We appreciate the spirit of unity that exists among the brethren in the Nordic region. There is a definite hunger to see God change the spiritual atmosphere in our countries. We believe this is just the beginning of greater things to come! Please pray for the ministers of the Nordic region as we work together to share the Gospel.

First Bilingual Bible Study

On May 2, we began to help a young lady's dream come true regarding the salvation of her family. A member of the church in Stockholm, pastored by Rev. Adrian Smith, has been witnessing to her mother - who lives in Helsinki - over Skype. When we met with them in March, we learned of the desire for knowledge. There was just one hurdle: a significant language barrier, for while the mother speaks multiple languages, English isn't one of them! With the help of a good Finnish friend, who agreed to translate for Mark, we are in the process of firming the salvation foundation. Two countries and two groups of people, working together for one purpose - to expand the Kingdom of God! Stay tuned!

Focused Prayer Requests

Bible Studies in progress - we have multiple students, and each one is learning a different topic. Studies being written - Mark is writing new studies, and Glenda is illustrating. Pray for clarity of thought - for our students to have open minds regarding the word of God; for us, as we endeavor to create new ways to share the Bible with others.

Contacts - we have made a number of friends and are simply being "Jesus" to them, sharing His Word as He opens the doors. Pray for wisdom, discernment, sensitivity in the Spirit - we want to always be ready when God says "Speak" or "Go."

Studies - our entire family has finished another session of language study. Next, we will begin short, intensive review course during the first week of June, which will cover the first part of our study material. Pray for clarity, focus, and retention - it is extremely important that we are able to remember vocabulary, grammar, etc. when speaking.
God did not create hurry.
(Finnish proverb)

To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

Thank you for praying with us,
supporting us, and believing in - and with - us. God has heard your prayers for Finland; they are working! Our family gives all honor to God for the things that He is doing. He alone makes this report possible.

We appreciate you, and we pray for you. Be blessed, in the mighty Name of Jesus.

Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace
We need to replace some PIM's, 'lost' since our arrival in Finland. Can you help us?
Global Mission's "Ransom"
SFC 2012 - GO!
Miranda & Candace
represent Finland in the
SFC 2012 video!

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(Helsinki Cathedral)
Near Nurmijärvi
Near Nurmijärvi
Vappu (May Day) crowds on 30/4/12
"Vappu" Eve Crowds

Helsinki Design Capital 2012
Mark and Glenda Alphin
Miranda and Candace
8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood, Missouri 63042

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