Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

WD GMD 'Youth Impact Team' - Guatemala

Photos of the Western District Global Mission's Dept. 1st Annual 'Youth Impact Team' missions trip to Guatemala, Central America. Please enjoy! I will be updating daily, if possible, and there is internet available.

Today was a workday at the Bible School. We painted the stairwell from ground level to the fourth floor. A couple of the ladies worked on another project sorting clothes. I apologize for not having any pictures of that project. I will do my best to get some if they are available.

Flying to Guatemala on TACA (Bro. Nix from Nicaragua calls this the 'Take A Chance Airline')
The painting crew is ready to work

The women are anxious to get started...can you tell?

Joseph painting...

Bro. Tirso Gonzales...no blue paint on the white ceiling please...

Holly and Yesenia painting with brushes where we could not use a roller

Sis. Powell with a roller in one hand and a brush in the other...

Yesenia enjoying her work...

Trying to keep paint off the beautiful wood ceiling

After working hard you deserve a good hot meal

No job is finished until the clean-up is done...Holly is doing a great job

Finished! Now off too the hotel to clean up and then a good hot meal before bedtime

The ladies with Amber Corey, AIMer from Alabama 

And then we were off to a well deserved shower and dinner with Sis. Lynne and Sis. Amber.


The Flag of Guatemala

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