Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

~A Report from the Gilliam Family in the Philippines

Time Is Running Out.

Jesus instructed us that while it is day we must work. He warned in the Gospel of John that the night cometh when no man can work.  I truly believe we are living in the last days. The generations that live upon the earth are watching the sun set over the horizon. The night cometh. We must work. As I write this, my mind is racing back through memories of great elders who preached the soon coming of the Lord. I can hear the urgency in their voice. We must work. It must have been with that same urgency that Jesus commanded Judas, "that thou doest, do quickly."

It was with this same urgency that my wife and I felt the Lord speak to us about the Philippines. We have been a part of several missions trips and crusades to various countries over the years and knew that global missions would always be a huge part of our lives. After seeing thousands receive the Holy Ghost in the Philippines in 2001 we knew that when God's timing was right, we would return.

I cannot tell you the times over the last 10 years that we have dreamed, talked and prayed about that return. Just over a year ago the Lord spoke to my wife and I that NOW was the time to GO. So we applied as AIM evangelists to the Philippines and requested to base in Manila. The Global Mission's executive board approved our request and we begin the task of raising our budget.  So many pastors across the nation and in our home distinct (Western District UPCI) have supported our vision and have given sacrificially to the cause that God has called us to. We are so thankful for every single prayer and offering that has been sent our way.

Once we arrived in the Philippines, the Missionaries and National Philippine pastors have gone to great sacrifices to take care of us and to make sure we stay busy preaching and teaching. One of our goals was to preach revival services in local churches no matter the size of the congregation. We have had a tremendous time doing just that. In the two months that we have been here we have seen almost 200 receive the Holy Ghost at the time of this writing. All this in local churches. Crusades are great, but they are very expensive. Our burden was to take the crusade spirit into the local church. Saving them money and helping each church see that they can have the same great outpouring in their own churches, not just at the large crusades.

Not only have we been busy preaching through out the Philippines but we have also had the distinct honor of teaching at the Acts Bible School under the leadership of Brother and Sister Flowers. They are long time missionaries and have poured themselves into us. They have also went out of their way to love on our kids. That has meant the world to my wife and I.

Needless to say we have fallen completely in love with the students at Acts Bible School in Manila. While I was preaching their Spiritual Emphasis Week, the Lord stopped me right in the middle of preaching; He spoke to me and said, you have dreamed of praying thousands through to the Holy Ghost, now pour that into each of these students and they will each pray tens of thousands through. A very heavy burden settled on me during that service. Teaching others to reach others has a multiplying affect that will cause a global revival. I want to be a part of that. I want to work while it is day.

While here we have met Filipinos that are starting churches all over the world. Even deep into the Middle East, Vietnam, China and many parts of Europe. Because of wars and work laws they can go into many countries that Americans just can't reach at this time. So as AIM evangelist, our global mission is training them to go. And they are going. They are working. They are making extreme sacrifices to spread this wonderful truth.

My wife was blessed to 'step in' for Sister Kelley Dibble in her personal ministry of praying for the children at a nearby hospital.  National Children's Hospital is a place for poor families to take their kids who are suffering.  She saw some very startling things, but feels forever changed because of the opportunity to share some hope and healing words to these very sick children and their family members.  So many stories, so many lives that touched her heart and have left a mark that has forever changed her.  It is her prayer that her words and prayers were as much of a blessing to them as being able to minister to them was to her.

We have committed to join with the Missionaries and the National work in the Philippines to help them see the DREAM fulfilled.


One Million Souls In Five Years

Thank you for your continued prayers and support! Thank you for investing in Global revival. The night cometh. Let's continue to work.

The Gilliam Family,

Trent, Amber, Jon, and Ella

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