Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Saturday, February 27, 2010


BREAKING NEWSA massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile early Saturday, collapsing buildings, killing dozens and downing phone lines. President Michele Bachelet declared a "state of catastrophe" in central Chile and said the death toll was rising.

Chile's top emergency official said at least 78 people were killed

There have been a number of aftershocks to hit Chile since the quake, the largest one registering at magnitude 6.9, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

"It has been a devastating earthquake,"
Interior Minister Edmundo Perez Yoma told reporters.

Tsunami warnings were issued over a wide area, including South America, Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand, Japan, the Philippines, Russia and many Pacific islands.

Pray for our missionaries in Chile; the Barkleys (Dane and Debbie) who reside in Santiago; Jason and Dena Hayes who live in Concepcion, the city where the earthquake hit at 3:30 am this morning.

Check back as more news will be posted as it is received!

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