Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Apostolic Movement in Mainland China

From Impact Asia -March 2010 by Xenn Seah

This month’s newsletter is written by Brother Samuel Wang.  He is a powerful and dynamic student and preacher of the Gospel!

In the Book of Ecclesiastes, the author talks about time. For human beings, the reason that time is so significant is because we are transient.

In the eyes of God, however, everything has been destined in His Holy Will before the creation of the world. It is our responsibility to seek God’s Will and to respond to it at the right time.

Almost 2000 years ago, during the Apostle Paul’s second missionary journey, he was forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the Word of God in Asia (Acts 16:6). God had His reasons, and this was His perfect Will at that time. In checking the Hebrew and Greek definitions of spirit, we find that both of them mean breath, wind, and spirit. Two thousand years of church history tells us that the direction of the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ, by the power and moving of the Holy Spirit, is from Jerusalem to the west. The wind of the Holy Spirit has been blowing since the day of Pentecost. The Apostolic movement had passed through Jerusalem, Samaria, Caesarea, Antioch, Philippi, Ephesus, and Rome, the representative of the end of the world at that time.

The work of the Holy Spirit has never ceased. Nobody can stop the destiny of the Kingdom of God. We can clearly see that revival has continued: first sweeping through the European Continent, then the Island of Britain, and on through the new world into North America. Almost 2000 years later, today, the wind of the Holy Spirit is still blowing: now through Africa, South America and Asia. It has crossed two oceans and five continents, kindling revival fire everywhere. Obviously, God has chosen a spiritual east wind to convey the gospel of Jesus Christ, covering the entire world.

Now is the time to see that the torch of the Holy Spirit is delivered into Asia. China, as the most populous among the nations, with her 1.4 billion people and over one hundred million Christians, is now experiencing that spiritual east wind. According to a local California newspaper, there are 111 million Pentecostal Christians in China. This number is referring to those who have received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
Pray for revival in China!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God! The Oneness Jesus Name message has been widely and succesfully preached in China since 1917! The True Jesus Church has impacted not only China making it the largest Jesus Name Pentecostal organization there on the mainland and in Taiwan, but also throughout the far east! The Jesus Name movement then was planted by them in Japan prior to World War Two and today is considered by many to be the largest single Christian Denomination in Japan! Now they are establishing Apostolic Faith Churches right there in the United States! It's amazing what God is doing!
