Missionary and AIMer's Profiles

Monday, April 12, 2010

Report from Portugal by William Markham

Bro. Robert Rodenbush

It is always good to have our Regional Director, Robert Rodenbush, with us in Portugal.

This was a special time for Bro. Mauricio and Sister Fernanda. They are Regional Missionaries from Brazil and in the General Conference Bro. Rodenbush preformed their Ordination into the Ministry and gave them their charges. Bro. Mauricio has been installed as Pastor in the church in Setubal, Portugal.

Bro. Maruicio & Sis. Fernanda

Bro. & Sis. Bruce Howell

It was the first time for Brother and Sister Bruce Howell to be in Portugal. Bro. Howell did an outstanding job preaching our General Conference. The power of the Holy Ghost was in each service and God filled 20 people with the Holy Ghost and many others were renewed in the Spirit. Thank you Brother and Siste Howell for coming and ministering to the church in Portugal.

Bro. Oscar Rodrigues was one of ministers that preached our mission service. And also Brother Oscar interpreted for Brother Howell during the main service.

Thank you Bro. Oscar



We would also like to say a special thanks to our AIM Workers in Spain for coming to the conference in Portugal and their help was appreciated. They sang in the conference, worked the altars and helped pull off a surprise birthday party for Sister Howell. These are great young people and we are proud of them
                                                                                                                                                                     General Conference 2010                                      

Bro. William and Sis. Bonnie Markham, missionaries to Spain and Portugal

William and Bonnie Markham

Region(s): Europe/Middle East

Field(s): Portugal / Spain

Bio: Bill and Bonnie Markham, formerly of Kingsburg, California, received their appointment as missionaries to Brazil in 1980. After completing two productive terms in Brazil, the Markhams transferred to Portugal to give leadership to the struggling church. He stated, “In Portugal I am the field superintendent. I have legalized the church and restructured the by-laws and am involved in leadership training, evangelism, and church planting.” In 1994 his responsibility expanded to include the UPC of Spain. The past several years have been difficult for the Markhams. Painful back surgeries have kept Bonnie Markham confined to California. He shuttles between California and the field, desperately trying to be both a good husband and a productive missionary. It is hoped that her condition will improve so that she will be able to accompany her husband to the field.

Portuguese Republic/República Portuguesa
Area Coordinator: Michael L. Tuttle
Superintendent/President: William H. Markham
Population: 10,600,000
Area: 35,514 sq. mi.

Capital: Lisbon
Languages: Portuguese
Religions: Roman Catholic, 91%

Slightly smaller than Indiana, the Portuguese Republic occupies the western portion of the Iberian Peninsula. The nation’s once extensive overseas possessions are now reduced to Macao, the oldest European outpost in China; the Azores, islands about 1,000 miles off Portugal’s coast; and Madeira, an island about 535 miles southwest of Portugal in the Atlantic. Joseph Domingues founded the United Pentecostal Church of Portugal in 1972. Often without a missionary to lead and guide it, the church now has 254 constituents, eight licensed ministers, and ten churches and preaching points.

Bro. & Sis. Markham - thank you for your loyal and faithful service in the kingdom of God.  We love you!

WD Foreign Missions Department


  1. Jesus Bless Portugal! Jesus is God!

  2. So Deus pode Salvar meu povo O povo Portugues.
    Pra frente com o evangelho. O Lusitania meu mui amado flor do meu coracao. O povo nobre, valente e com forca para derrotar os poderes infernais que queram destrui e manter nos nas garrers de paganismo. Mas Deus O Senhor Jesus Cristo esta ao freente na batalha nunca nos deixara sem amparo.
    Viva O Evangelho, Viva Portugal, Viva a Igreja Pentecostal . Deus vos abencoe!
